Eldre'Thalas Alliance Reconnections

A group of us Ex Tenbris guys are going to be on whitemane


Adding you when I get home. Rolling Whitemane for the time being then.

Whitemane it is! :slight_smile:

Wow, there are some familiar names here, so long ago Nev/Nevara

This is Nyther - feral druid. I definitely remember both of you!

I will be playing again once I finish my training deployment irl next Tuesday

Yea this is lathas have no idea why it came up with a death night I never really leveled

Couldn’t remember the name of the guild or anything just Farkew and Warninja and such, I played as Magicshorty back in the day - Gnome mage raided up until TBC I remember the Veknilash move also Kaist mentioned lol.

Nyther! I remember you! I was Nbbyummy from Axe of Azeroth/Council of Elites/Foundation on Eldre Thalas and Eternal in Veknilash. I remember leveling and raiding with you and your priest friend, Five i think it was?

Magicshorty, I remember you too! Lol hows it going?

Zxion NE Warrior Used to Raid with League of Noisy Misfits and i don’t remember if the other guild name i was is was Tenebris or Epic Again.
See some familiar people in this thread. Don’t know what server to hop on.

Hey! Totally remember playing with you! It was me, Five, and Firepuss that all lived in the same town and were with TFS and then Foundation. Firepuss and I started toons on Kurinnaxx!

Heya, Magicshorty!

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Actually Glarp while Hugo was in the survice would get like an hour 30 min lunch and would go back in the barracks WRECK westfall log off take a nap log back on hit it again then go back to work

Good to hear and will do! Uma said hello and he is almost tempted to start playing again, lol. He misses everyone.

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Hello all! I used to play a Gnome Warlock by the name of Nifty, with an alt that was a Human Warrior named Meatbag.

Any old members of Fire Blades or Steel Grace still kicking around? Also raided with Tempest near the end, which was a blast. Rolling Horde on Faerlina now. Hope everyone has fun in Classic!

I was a mage Kaidazan and played with some people that I remember - Nelf, Amoros(I think?), and Goldhammer. I think the guild we had was The Molsen Crew.


Foundation, and I believe it became Eternal on Vek’Nilash.

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Oh hey another familiar name
