Either un-nerf frogs or nerf the farmers

Who cares if someone carries an old raid that’s only use is to get currency for transmog?

No one is stopping you from playing the game. And can you show me where I said I’m only getting one or two? I said I’ve bought two so far. Meaning by the time this is over, I’ll have a bunch if I’m already able to buy some now.

Because it’s logical to make your own group for an event to have fun with? LOL sure thing.

You said you were done with me. So be done.

Dude… get a grip. Seriously.

Then people leave when you wipe to mechanics.

The former frog farmers might even leave before you pull because they realize it isn’t going to be a zerg after inspecting everyone’s cloak buffs.

Get to level 70 and start pugging some raids if you don’t believe me.


Unless it’s a tuning problem, this isn’t happening.

It wasnt even a bloody exploit. It was exactly how it worked when MoP was current. They just didnt want people to have a fast easy way to get Bronze, cuz they need us to stay subbed for the entire three months to justify its existence.


Of course not. It’s Cobalt Assembly all over again.

I was never for the removal. But all the drama over being behind on day 6 of a three month event that’ll see bonuses added and more hotfixes is just nonsensical to me. This isn’t RWF. It’s transmog. And we’ll get what we want by the time it’s over.

Move along, kiddo. You’re grasping at straws now.

I got nothing better to do

So tell me what items you’ve bought with your bronze coins? How many have you collected so far?

What’s been your experience in Heroics? I’m all ears

The irony of you calling me a troll… welcome to ignore, then. Try to have a better day.

You won’t answer my questions. And every response has been some kneck bearded side comment soooo.

It’s irrelevant either way. And I don’t talk to people who try to bring racism into a conversation about a transmog event.

Bye bye.

So where are your answers to my questions? I’d like to know about these mog purchases and how many bronze coins you may have

Add a mechanic that causes your cloak’s stats to decrease over time relative to the amount. A lowbie would feel nothing, a high level will be fine as long as he keeps playing, but the *exploiters will be normal within a week or two.

*Let’s be real, they’re not exploiters. Farming frogs was obvious to anyone that remembers MoP, this is entirely Blizzard’s fault not theirs. God do I regret putting off frog farming to level some guys in Timewalking.


The problem is, some don’t want to be here for 3 months farming xmogs. Not when they know X number of players will get it done in a fraction of the time because they took advantage of something that is no longer available to everyone else.

Not everyone wants to do this for the next 6-8 weeks just to say the night before it ends, “I finally got em all.”


I’m skeptical it’ll take that long. Especially given how much of that stuff is easily farmable in retail. The most expensive are the low droprate mounts. So unless someone is obsessed with getting all of those and not farming the drops, that’s the only part that should take that long.

But how is it people didn’t think they’d be in this event for longer than a week?

Players also know devs will attempt to appease them, but it’s gonna be small incremental hotfixes. The rub being these devs quickly disrupt a lucrative method, but replace it in tiny steps over weeks, keeping players hooked for the long haul.

They’ll definitely be here a long time now, and that’s probably what annoys them most.


They were for Plunderstorm too. This shouldn’t be a surprise.

Yup, totally undercover dev. You got me.
Now explain to me again what game is broken by some players who will get their xmogs and cosmetic items faster, while the rest of you will stiill get them all by the 19th of August when this event ends.

BTW, I am 70.

If it doesn’t matter, then why remove the exploit in the first place. I mean, it’s just a limited time xmog run after all, nothing game-breaking for retail.

There, you see how silly your argument sounds now. Think of something better and hit me back :slight_smile: