Either un-nerf frogs or nerf the farmers

How do you gate keep instances? They are instances. Create a group.

So we can sit in an empty group for hoursā€¦ no thanks.

So you are saying you need the high ilvl players to baby sit so you can be blasted thru the raid. You canā€™t find 9 people to learn the raid with.

People new to healing and tanking donā€™t bother because of attitudes like yours.

Itā€™s not just ''high ilvl players" the difference in power is absurd. If youā€™d take 10 minutes to do the research, youā€™d find plenty of examples where over-powered frog farmers melt through content. Weā€™re talking 10 second boss fights, if that.

Of course ppl are going to seek out the frog farmers, why would you spend 15 mins in a Raid that could be done in 5.


But but butā€¦ i have to talkā€¦ to PEOPLE!

The power imbalance is the worst iā€™ve seen in any GAME, period.


selling for what - have you noticed the absolute lack of real gold you get in this - bliz does not want charatcer from remix going to retail in 90 odd days with a metric crap tonne of gold . And if they are selling for real money then who cares .

I can never understand why people must get things done in teh first few days - you have 90 more to get to that level

i saw a spriest today in my lfr garrosh kill with a cloak that gave them 50k stamina and she kept pulling the entire raid by herself and then flaming the tanks for not holding aggro

frog farming rly powertripping ppls brains


So if thereā€™s no consequence to retail, why not keep the frog farm in the game? Itā€™s just a xmog event after all, no big deal if people level the way they want.


Maybe people donā€™t view it as fun to grind several hours a day for 90 days straight.
Thatā€™s why the frogs were exploited, because players were looking for an easy way out so they could chill a bit in this game mode.

Make your own group then. itā€™s really not hard, usually the tanks lead the group anyway its not like you have to do anything

Make your own group and invite people with whatever stats you want?

This is such a mess. lol. Iā€™m glad I dont really care about this stuff right now.

So they can get it done and have time for other crap than being stuck redoing content they already saw . To note: I donā€™t have a max character right now and I think the recolours are ā€œmeh.ā€

Donā€™t you love this brown noses telling us to mAke YoUr GrOuP?

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Put a debuff into all instanced content that puts a cap on every stat at around where a person playing intensely would end up without the frogs. Every day raise that cap to account for organic stat growth. Wonā€™t fix them getting rewards faster, but thatā€™s a substantially smaller problem.


Same, all I want is the cloak toy.

But I wonderā€¦
Many are complaining about scaling issues, that I have yet to run across at 31. Are they running with the frog farmers? Are the farmers cloaks throwing of scaling?

Iā€™ve soloed rares, helped kill Galleon, run a couple of dungeons, scenarios, and have yet to run up on a single thing or pack of things to even require a healing potion. Iā€™m a hunter in the remix, and I have chosen shields, and healing side effects from the sockets. Something just isnā€™t adding up.

Or less effort and better result. demand blizzard delete the characters and progress of anyone that exploited.

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While I didnā€™t do it, since Frog farming and hyper spawning has been a thing since MoP it was fair for those players to assume it was an okay, albeit degenerate way to play. So I wouldnā€™t ban them.

But I would do something to instantly, or near instantly, give the rest of us a way to catch up. Perhaps a quest for everyone to do that instantly bumps their cloak up to a certain level. Like the BFA quest that instantly made all necks level 40 or whatever. It allowed catchup, and those already past that level werenā€™t hurt.


the gatekeeping is a problem