Either un-nerf frogs or nerf the farmers

frogs shouldnt have been nerfed, cause theres like 3 other things like frogs. literally just play the game. my bear almost has 1mill hp and thats from playing around casually


It must be a good solution, after all the blame will always come to the devs by not verifying that these conflicts occur, gamers will always find to break the video game, not cause exploit, broke the video game, and if they donā€™t worry about that, We will not be there to accept their errors and their fixes.

superbloom murderer!

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I just want the heirloom weapons.

Though with how things scale poorly between 60 and 70 and falls way off after 70 it seems like a farming method is needed for people otherwise they arenā€™t getting anywhere anytime soon.

And i just wanna advocate what about the people who canā€™t play for the 13 hours those folks did? I foresee a lot of people will be struggling all through out remix and leave and not make remix look good even though iā€™m enjoying it so much as I level.

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you say hypothetical but I know the wow playerbase, its 100% a reality. if someone can gatekeep they will do it.


Will these characters stay with us after the event or will they disappear after all is said and done?

another jealous thread. go farm your bronze and stop being bothered by players who have 0 impact on you.

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But thatā€™s what weā€™re all going to be like. They just got there sooner. And all it does is get us transmog.

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And how is that ā€œgame-breakingā€ when this event will end in 90 days, and nothing but cosmetics will transfer over?

Even with the nerf, weā€™ll never catch up. Weā€™re making minimum wage, while a good portion has already cashed out billions. Sure, we can catch up years from now.


In 90 days? Yeah we will. Iā€™m still only level 41. Itā€™s just transmog.

Still 41, so you know nothing about the issues a lvl 70 has at the moment. Please be quite on topics you donā€™t understand. And for the final time, even in 90 days we will not be able to catch up to the frog farmers. Itā€™s simple math.


I know all about the tuning issues. And no, I wonā€™t shut up.

Do the math, itā€™s impossible to catch up to frog farmers bud. I know math can be hard at times, but itā€™s a good life skill to have. Done arguing with your contrarian a**


Youā€™re obsessed with irrelevant numbers. You have 90 days to farm up currency and get what you want. Iā€™ve already bought stuff I want and Iā€™m still only level 41. Youā€™re getting hostile for nonsensical reasons.

ā€¦ what? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

They are also doing multiple times as much damage as people who have been raiding every day but didnā€™t farm frogs.

People are already getting kicked from raids for not having high enough stats to zerg.

Getting invited isnā€™t the problem, as your time level doesnā€™t tell the whole story. Itā€™s when they see that your cloak stats arenā€™t in the quadruple digits.


Make your own group.

Irrelevant numbers?? 2.6mil health on a DPS is irrelevant? Enough dmg to carry a raid by themselves is irrelevant? Iā€™m glad youā€™re a casual who only cares about snagging one or two mogs, but some of us actually like to play the game.


Okay, youā€™re a troll. Confirmed.

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