Either un-nerf frogs or nerf the farmers

I dont know specifics. They were listed as goat grinding 2 x 4 or something like that. I think it was in the Vale but I could be wrong

I don’t usually sign up for things like that

Isn’t this always the case? And no, this isn’t good.

  • New content comes.
  • Speedy levelers get ahead and exploit some perks.
  • Blizzard nerfs it
  • Those that come after fall even more behind

It’s basically clockwork by now and it really needs to stop. This only encourages people to speed through content before nerfs or be punished for being too slow.


I’m thinking the tiny stairs zone where the BMAH used to be. Before Kun’lai.

Where Wrathion hangs out, or used to, in the mountains.

Lots of goats there, maybe that’s the area? Or Townlong Steppes, honestly I’ve no idea.

Blizzard needs to design around what degenerate players will do, and try to stop it, at this point.

They realistically, probably can’t. Devs just can’t think of how to break things like how players can. Players will always find a way.

In a multiplayer game, it’s just harmful to those that don’t exploit if they don’t follow along.

Maybe they should just buff everything to the point of making every mob like the frogs, lol.

Open the flood gates, isn’t that the point of this mode anyway? Just pure power and fun?


Nothing game breaking? Haven’t you seen the vid of the Shadow Priest soloing Mythic raid bosses?


In this case, how is that game breaking?

The likely already have enough bronze to buy almost everything from farming the frogs.

So at best, they are going to quickly get the 40 garrosh currency to buy the shoulders and heirlooms.

And then after that, they are done. They have finished the event…and the rest of us will keep on keeping on like we have been since their completion changes nothing for us

There aren’t even any unique rewards for clearing mythic SoO, they just get more currency

Yeah. A few bad eggs exploited and ruined something that should have just been silly fun. I was planning to do a lot but now I’ll probably just finish the campaign and dip out until TWW.

I really didn’t need MOP Remix to be elitist.


I really think they wanted people to play this for the whole 90 days though :joy:

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Lol too bad some players “beat” the mode in like 3-4 days.

I get they’re supposed to string us along for sub money, but it’s just plain bad how the grind is right now.

I’m very sure they’ll increase gains as time goes on and the end of the event draws near.

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Honestly, I think the novelty of end game is going to wear out quick. I could see most people transitioning to primarily leveling alts in a few of weeks. It’ll be interesting to see how it trends. I could be completely wrong!

like anything said, Buff Fun, nerf fun.

Blizzard can’t do anything in front of Ion Fun Police nerf time.

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That’s hilarious coming from someone who probably hasn’t hit 70 on remix. The difference in power is like a God to an ant, 2mil health on a DPS is INSANE. I can’t believe you have the audacity to defend them right now haha, undercover dev.


How did nerfing a mindless grind nerf “fun”? I get it, it sped up the grind, but that doesn’t mean the grind is “fun”.



Spot the frog farmer.

Even with the increased gains, the players who abused the system will be leagues ahead. There’s a big difference here.


Because now the players who missed out feel insanely underpowered compared to their peers who abused the system. This isn’t the normal slight difference in power, I literally ran across a DPS earlier with 2mil+ health and enough dmg to carry the Raid on his own. Please let me know how you think this is fair or ‘fun’


Exploit early and often should result in losing whatever you gained.


runescape can roll back stuff. real sad blizzard cant be bothered to do this anymore.


I didnt farm toads and have almost 800k hp on my hunter ._.

I just like killing random NPCs


Do you Blizz.

for a old LIMITED but very LIMITED Content, It shouldn’t be prejudicial, for a retail content, or classic server that will have a good time, this expansion is acceptable, but for 3 months that no one will care about after a remix, it shouldn’t be necessary.

This nerfing thing, anything that has meaningless fun, is getting ridiculous.