Either keep flying or do away with it, plain and simple

Between the 3 people you linked, they have 3 likes. So you found exactly 6 people who wanted it. And when you put it like this:

You’re clearly trying to overblow the support for it.


They’re not tho, they are literally stating that other folks have requested it. It’s not something that the dev. randomly thought about to spite players. It is actually something some of us want in the game.

The ‘we’ is a general ‘we’ for folks that do support it.


there was a lot of people in a lot of different threads. for ME, i don’t mind it something attacks me and i die if i am afk. i just don’t like being DISMOUNTED at all for any reason.

Well here I was trying to be polite and simply walk away but if you want…

There is no reason because quite frankly you fail to understand basic comparisons and cause and effect. These are concepts a third grader has a decent grasp on. Is removing flying the same? No but the same people who complained are the same people complaining now and for the same reasons. This really isn’t difficult to grasp its a simple logical soliloquie.

And thats were I take my leave for the day and head to bed.

Irrelevant. All I said was that people asked for it. I never said how many, how well liked, etc.

Wrong. I’m not even trying to garner support for anything. And if you’d actually search, you’d find there are a bunch of threads. Different people can like different things. You don’t like it? Fine. But the fact that others asked for it exists. No one said majority or well liked. Stop gaslighting.

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goodnight dante. :slight_smile:

Honey, you are trying to equate the folks leaving when Blizzard REMOVED the feature in the game to you being inconvenienced for 15 seconds. They are not the same.

It’s a false equivalence.


Don’t worry, I’ll accept your keystone application.

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I don’t know why Blizzard pretends like they have content in the open world at all that flying all of a sudden negates outside of the story. Flying should immediately become available after the main story quest because Blizzard is incapable of creating an open world that’s really worth exploring.

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Not only enemies, we also need rewards from flying.

As mentioned on the CC forums there’s a lot of things that could be done around flying as a mechanic, besides the players expectation that’s just to avoid everything and AFK flying.

Unfortunely, even CC forums have a low response from Devs because it was implemented while they’re really busy and some topics like this one doesn’t have a respond yet.

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As surprising as it was getting shot down yesterday, it was easy enough to avoid afterwards with a little caution.

I am a pro-flying player who has said make it more like TBC/WotLK. Make flying part of the world and some areas should be dangerous to fly in. The desert of ZM is a very good implementation of this concept.


Then try fishing.

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hahahaha Ok, I’ll consider you for M+ runs, i won’t invite those players that can’t handle avoiding NPCs in a x,y,z space.

are you furiously writing the toon names down of everyone who disagrees with you? :rofl:

I found myself shot down twice, with the soul threads enchantment, no damage taken, returned fire destroying those two mawsworn.

Indeed an annoyance, and still far more enjoyable than fighting thru multiple tangos on the ground.

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Not, they can still join but first they must past a drive test…obviously. It’s the new meta test :rofl:

lol. invites to key okay guys quick trip to ZM before we go to the dungeon. :rofl:

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Flying should be always an option once earned story wise.

I don’t recall if it was somewhere in BC, Wrath, Cata, or Mists…
Flying was pretty well just a matter of earning the gold.

Level cap wasn’t an issue. In fact, I think it was 1,000 gold or so and at expansion open level requirement?


Blizzard would be better off designing everything for flying.
Always so much nicer looking as well as accessible for players that way.


You essentially earned enough gold via questing to cap to purchase the 60% flying. IIRC that was how it essentially went prior to Pathfinder. You did the quests while leveling and you generally had enough to fly. WotLK was a bit tricky since you had to decide if you wanted dual spec or flying first sometimes.


Still better than now.

As at least one of the posters that called for Dual Spec, the 1,000 gold price hurt.

However, isn’t gold tuning an issue still, despite the token being an “easy” / bought workaround?