So its bad enough that we had to grind flying TWICE this expansion, now in the sand area all the flying kyrain have a casted ability that auto dismounts you, regardless of whether your a tank or using a bard.
So pick a mode, either give us flying and leave it be, or just take it away and stick to it. I am getting fed up with all the anti flying crud that is being added into the game, and this is just another thing to just be a nuisance over practical reasoning.
Also stop trying to defend no flying with “explore the zone”, NO ONE CARES, we would rather be able to streamline questing and grinds. Over being constantly grounded for weeks, or half an expansion. That artificially inflates time played for your MAU’s numbers that you hold so dearly.
I’ve said that if they’re going to put mobs in the air too, they should give us aerial mounted combat. Next expansion is supposedly about dragons so aerial combat sounds perfect and give us flying at launch
i wish they’d pick a lane too. if that lane happens to be removal… then me and lots of other people who like to fly will just take our money elsewhere. i didn’t mind pathfinder as a one and done. this thing sets a precedence that they will lock things whenever they want, for however long they want. i jumped through their hoops since legion. one ad done. but this? this is annoying.
If it’s so easy to avoid, why add it in the first place? I’m in the same boat as you. Went there, got shot down, died, and realized how to avoid it easily. Then I asked myself, what childish and spiteful dev put this in?
Because we asked for the skies to be dangerous and to add immersion. It’s on the ground, it should be in the sky, as well. Just like it was in BC when flying first launched. There’s nothing childish or spiteful about it.
And they lost a ton of subs and had to go back on it. I wouldn’t be surprised if this ends the same way. They keep making stupid decisions and wonder why so many people in the community hate the lead devs.
Lol, who asked? Who is this we? in BC the only places like that were over other faction towns and Orgr’la. This isn’t immersion. It’s annoyance. Immersion would be like in Orgi’la with the surface to air attacks that could be juked. You can’t juke the Mawsword abilities. Childish and spiteful.
why give them the option? we all know they intended to get rid of flying back in WoD, i say screw’em, just let us keep be able to get flying at max level!
Its a design choice that is leading into the future so yeah it matters as every zone from this point forward will have the same stuff added just to inconvenience you.
There is a reason why casual players left the game in huge numbers and refuse to come back. Its decisions like this. As you said its casual time gated stuff so why make it more annoying than it already is. I would care a whole hell of a lot less if you could fly on release and this was the way it was. Having to wait and grind out requirements for it is idiotic.
A lot of people on this forum and Reddit. It’s been brought up a lot that we wanted flying incorporated into the content and for it to be dangerous to move around.
And Shataari Skyguard. And Netherwing. And the other places that had the cannons.
Your opinion. I’m fine with it. I have to pay attention.