Either keep flying or do away with it, plain and simple

was nice when dual spec went down to 10g or whatever it was. lol

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Absolutely. Iā€™m of the mind that both should exist as options for the players.


I see Thallia is at it again with her excessive need for admiration


maybe try focusing on the content of the posts and whether you agree or disagree with the ideas presented instead of having some sort of weird hate crush on someone. :man_facepalming:

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Iā€™m not the one making hate posts, fishing for likes from others while trolling and having nothing to say on the topic.


You had to grind for flying?

Pretty much just unlock it through normal gameplay lmao

I was focusing on what was said but Thallia as usual has to belittle people here on GD.

All you do is belittle people here on GD.

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Ironic coming from you, who is still trolling, not responding to the topic and just here to attempt to belittle me.

Maybe move on with your life and stop letting whatever grudge you have rule your hostile attitude here on the forums.

That is when you take the flight point from Silvermoon to Booty bay.

I must have hit a nerve with the truth I posted about you. I have no grudges & I am not hostile like you are when you post & belittle people. All I was doing was stating the facts about you & how you treat people on GD. Instead of belittling people, Maybe you should move on with your life.

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Thereā€™s no nerve to hit. Youā€™re still trolling and ignoring the topic. This isnā€™t your personal social media page to harass whoever you want to.

Either post about the topic or move on with your life. Iā€™ve belittled no one. Youā€™re the insulting and hostile one. Itā€™s plain for everyone to see.

So are you going to talk about flying or just try to get yourself flagged some more for harassment and trolling?

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