Eight World Quests

I don’t need to discredit your absurd fantasies and absolute lack of logic in your reasoning prowess. They discredit themselves to anyone with half a brain cell.

But hey, I’m no one to judge you simply because you cannot be bothered to rectify the fallacies in your arguments. Neither am I petty enough like the OP to come back here and create a snarky thread for when Blizzard eventually does pull the ripcord. I’ll just be in the background, harvesting salty tears.


I’m not sure if you or people here is aware…

but the loremaster of shadowland this time forces you to complete all the quests in the expansion which means all side quests.

But yeah better get in line with those “tasks” as well with the return of PARAGON mounts.

Oh that’s where you and i differ greatly.

I plan on bumping every single thread I’ve ever made to rub it in everyone faces like i did with account bound essences.


I never said the were relying on it. Any chance to get people out into the world is always a net benefit.

Here we go, the post-shifting extraordinaire. Casuals can’t complete world quests and fill a progress bar… Go!

The scourge of Timboslizzle still haunts those who stood on the wrong side of account bound essences.

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If you’re a loyalist, you do not get to see Saurfang’s funeral. You miss out on that entirely. You also don’t get to interact with the Horde leaders who opposed Sylvanas to see what their thoughts on everything are. That entire piece of content is cut off from you, and that makes sense, because you weren’t loyal to Saurfang, so why would you be interested in going to his funeral?

You also get to interact with other NPCs that initially say that they’re anti-Sylvanas and that they pledge themselves to the Horde, but as a loyalist, you learn that they’re really loyal to Sylvanas and are waiting for her return.

On the flip side, if you’re part of the rebellion, you do not get to go to the Ghostlands, you do not learn that Sylvanas made a deal with Queen Azshara, and that she wanted you to fight N’zoth so that all his minions, and N’zoth himself, would become servants of the Jailer. You also do not get to learn of any ulterior motives of surviving Horde loyalists. They’ll keep their mouths shut, meaning you have no way of knowing who the traitors are in the midst of the Horde.

What goal posts am i shifting? Do you just like not read anything anyone ever says in any thread and reply from your hip?

Maybe give up the clown makeup and you will be able to see more clearly.



Think you’ll ever ever catch me in a pug group lmao

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I see you’re just going to misquote what I said so you can keep pretending to have a point. I’m tired of dealing with your dishonest and hateful posts. Have fun with your gloating, I’m done.


Because your assertion was that it would affect casual players the most, which is inaccurate since the last time I checked, anyone can do world content. You can’t use the casual crutch anymore.

All things considered it could be way worse. 2 days of world quests to go back to a covenant you already left isn’t that bad.

it’s not a final system don’t think this is it.

From what I’m hearing its 2 days of world quests and then filling a bar by killing rares.

Thats not terrible.

It absolutely will punish casual players the most, how do you fail to see this? It went from being a possibility because of how hard it would be to being just a little time consuming. Now pug groups will definitely wait to pick a meta covenant choice.

Don’t worry though I’m just moving goal posts back 10 days

Straight from your post. But whatever, slink back to Mythic.

Sonechka can’t even answer a simple question on how this would affect her gameplay. She knows it won’t, but it must really annoy her that people don’t want to play the game her way, so she makes empty arguments across the forum and flees whenever she needs to provide an actual reason.


They were going to pick a meta covenant anyway, your argument is terrible. But keep pretending pugs would magically change even if you could change instantly.

It takes 3 weeks to change covenants

Aren’t you one of the people who pugs keys? you should be terrified.

Your invite to the +7 is in grave danger


I’m not answering your question because it’s a non-issue. Covenants are coming out as is, so I could less how it would affect your gameplay.

Under the assumption that the 8 WQs is all it takes to go back to a covenant that you left, this kinda feels like a desperate attempt to mend the massive rift in the playerbase Blizzard created with the covenant system. And I feel like it’s really not a win for anyone.

8 WQs, 2 days really isn’t all that difficult, but it certainly is tedious and just kindof…annoying. This isn’t fun for people who were in favor of pulling the ripcord. At the same time, 2 days isn’t exactly a huge amount of time either, so M+ leaders will almost certainly demand people switch covenants to meet certain requirements, like getting checkpoints after bosses. This isn’t fun or meaningful for people who wanted covenants locked.

I’m not happy about it, but…I’m kind of over it. Blizzard is gonna do what Blizzard is gonna do, I’m almost positive the tedium will push me out of the game after a month or two, and I’ll just need to wait for them to fix everything again. I just hope this time I can convince my friends to come back too so I’m not relegated to the PuG world.
