Eight World Quests

Remember how GCDs were coming out as is a week ago? :laughing:

:clap: Thanks Blizz for Listening to feedback


Copying this so I can paste it in anyone’s face who tries to argue that pulling the ripcord is a clown show.


No, I don’t think I will.

Do you get really upset at TV shows when they don’t wrap up every plotline at the end of a season? Do you get super salty when you read the first novel in a series but there are unresolved plot points at the end of the first book?

I mean I wouldn’t be surprised if you do, because you seem like the type of person that would.

But that aside, the story of World of Warcraft is no different. We get cliffhangers where we have to wait for the next episode to see what happens, we see plot threads that don’t seem to make sense or be immediately resolved after they pop up and they hang there, but that’s because the next piece of the thread is coming in the future, and when we do get that piece of the thread and we connect the two, suddenly it all makes sense and we can see what Blizzard were aiming for.

Taking credit for something you didn’t do? Sounds right.

You’re not answering my question, because you don’t have an answer. It wouldn’t affect you in the slightest, rendering any arguments you have against it completely obsolete.


Where was I taking credit for it?

Sonechka it’s time to step away from the computer your anger has blurred your thinking.


I was following and trying to see both sides up until now but this is where you lost me. Clearly this isn’t about covs and some hatred you have for those doing content that you don’t seem to be doing.


if that’s all there is to it. In the link provided they say they’re expecting there to be more because Blizzard said they want going back to one you left to be hard and they don’t see this has hard. Will there be more? Who knows but based on the info in the article, 8 world quests and filling a bar being all there is, has yet to be confirmed.

Don’t need an argument, Covenants are coming out as is, so your question is pointless. But, I mean, good job defending that imaginary hill.

This is about over-bearing Mythic players shrieking the sky is falling and it blowing up in their faces. #RipcordClownShow

I’m not a mythic raider, just popping in to refute that assertion.


I know, ‘Not all’ but there’s a handful of them that especially deserve ridicule for the melodrama they produced.

Just because they’re coming out as it is, it doesn’t mean you don’t need an argument. You started this thread to boost your own ego, but when an actual question comes you way, you avoid it. Just admit that it wouldn’t affect you at all. It’s not that hard.


Bwahahahaha, all this for 8 world quests :rofl: :rofl:


How fast do WQs spawn?

Let’s be real, mythic raiders aren’t the only ones that cry when the sky is falling Chicken Little, especially around here.

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From what I understand, and I’m not in beta, completing 8 WQs will take 2 days to complete.

Four a day, so it theoretically takes two days to complete them, which gives you enough time to fill out the progress bar that’s also attached to the quest.

(Hmmm’s in Nathanos.)

For weeks someone else has been spamming the same thread over and over peddling melodrama, but the ONE thread that actually has details gets spammed for trolling.

To be fair, I don’t think it was the article that prompted the vitriol, rather it was the gloating that came along with it.