Eight World Quests


I have multiple times before and you’ve clearly proven your inability to process any of them.

Oh hey there! I was sad to see you leave the previous debate, since you didn’t provide any answers to my question. Oh well, I’ll ask it again and maybe this time you’ll think of something.

How does opening covenants up negatively (or at all) affect your gameplay?


I find that to be extremely doubtful given how poorly the Sylvanas/Saurfang choice was handled. And I still don’t see any benefit to sticking with the Gift of N’Zoth.


How does being unable to do a few World Quests and fill up a bar hinder yours?

Something, something, “covenants give me meaningful choice”
YOU ALL ARE TAKING IT AWAY /proceeds to cry laboriously/

This 100% Nothing we do within our covenants changes the story in a meaningful way for our characters. We’re just given access to the end of each covenants story line that we see the start of while we level. Playing the beta and being forced to choose a covenant and being locked out of finding out what happens to Uther with Bastion, or the quests leading up to the first raid in Revendreth feels more like a punishment than having any affect on how the stories progresses.


How about you try answering the question instead of dodging all over the place.


Ah the good old avoid the question by asking a different question. Alright, I’ll answer, but you gotta respond to my question first, those are the rules of a civilized debate!


That does not have any of the quotes you quoted above with evidence and explanation of your allegations.

Try again.

Is possible to do this multiple times? I’ve read somewhere that changing to a covenant once was easy, but trying to change to that same covenant again is supposed to be very hard.

Should have just made it permanent.

My god, you’re trolling.

Enjoy fantasia.


Poorly? You got two very different endings to BFA depending on who you sided with. Furthermore, if you’re a loyalist, you do find out that there are still plenty of Sylvanas loyal members of the Horde floating around, despite what they say to non-loyalist players/NPCs.

Blizzard plays these things out over multiple patches and even expansions, you should know this by now.

Basically you can swap to the other three Covenants for free, but re-joining is where it incurs a time-investment penalty.

RipCordClownShow hahahahaha.

They are virtually identical and they will have zero impact on Shadowlands.

Stop making excuses for their inability to properly pace themselves.


Well, the article itself says that blizzard ifself said that it would be “hard work”

Either this is what they consider hard, or they changed it to find a middle-ground between #ripthecord and what is was.

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Is that the quest that puts the eye on your head? Just like cut story line from WoD, I doubt Blizzard has any plans for that.

Since when is Blizzard known for ‘hard work’?

Clearly you never actually bothered to do both.