Eight World Quests

Please read:

As far as World Quests go, this is also timegated - Currently in the Shadowlands beta, you can only have a maximum of 5 World Quests available at a time in your zone, if you have War Mode on and are lucky that the PvP World Quest is currently in that zone. Because of this, it is assumed that it will take a minimum of two days of work to complete this first step.


I’m just calling it how I see it.

You swear like these people were having civil conversations with you before I got here.

Its a literal merry-go-round. Wish you people would get off of it and go live a little.

you don’t have to impress me froom :point_right: :point_left:

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Turn the other cheek. Threads get locked when you start lowering the discussion.

They do though. We go from a nobody to getting sacred covenant powers that souls who have been there for eons don’t have access to in about 45 minutes.

…do you think it would impress my e-gf if I filled all my posts with emojis? Would that do the trick?

Gotto love it when someone on the GD asks you to get a life. Hunny, the very fact we’re here means we don’t have a life.

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Your thread should be locked…
Its kinda irrelevant considering it has been “debunked.”

Probably but like you said we’re having this much fun, so why stop there.

That’s typical Blizzard bad implementation. They never give faction NPC’s a full arsenal of abilities.

I mean, by all means. Continuing the merry-go-round circus with the Worgen rogue.

I couldn’t care less. I said what I wanted to say.

I’m just saying that you’ll need a better argument for locking these abilities than RPG or story elements. Because once you play through it, you’ll see it’s just not there.

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You should try to get level 69 next time you post, I might deem you worth remembering, then.

I think the best way to contextualize this is the rep enchants back in Cata/Legion. Imagine waiting 2 days just to switch enchants. Like gurl what… that’s not good design.

no. no it doesn’t. That sounds horrible for me. If you like that, great. Why force that on other players? gross.

Hey might want to start them off small and try lfr first

The simple answer is flavor.
4 different style of Ret paladins sounds more fun than 1 Ret paladin that can just switch to everything whenever they want.

That’s why I like it.
That’s why I want it to stay.

So, when we get 1 flavor Ret paladin because there will be a correct answer, what will we do then? It’ll be just like your nightmares!

I mean.
I’m a mechagnome, so obviously I have a 120, right?
Or did you forget that was a thing since you’re a confused little Night elf who thinks he’s hanging with the “big dawgz” but is actually far far from it.

Idk having the choices everyday of what flavor I want seems better than drinking the same soda all week because someone said so.

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