Hey champ. I get it, your an epic gamer, WOW! What about me?
I want to be able to PvP & PvE. That requires two entirely different covenants. Like, champ, not everyone is like you. I have things to do. I have to maintain a high GPA & start studying for the LSAT early next year. I shouldn’t be forced to play one spec like I did this entire dookie expansion. Covenant swap’s should be easy and convenient.
Wow what a great new addition to the game! the ability to do less with my character then ever before! Lets just roll an alt for any content I want to do, because the age of raiding, m+ing, and pvping on the same character is over for rpg reasons. Its not like this wasn’t possible for the last 15 years or something.
It’s 2 different audiences. With M+, arena, RBGs, and mythic raids, WoW just has way more challenging content so it attracts players looking for a challenge. FF14 has only 1 boss per patch that is on par with the high end content of WoW so it attracts a much more casual audience.
Relax. Do people play this high strung? How is this fun?
Anyway how about I choose the corruptions I find interesting? Twilight Devastation was pretty dope. Stars is meh. Anything that adds haste is always fun to me.
See this is how I approach choosing anything. Whats fun what’s interesting. Its the only way to play for me.
Fantastic. I am not trying to change the way you play. You are able to pick one covenant and stay with them til you die if the ripcord is pulled or not. My gameplay however is affected so that’s what we are talking about.
You just have to drink each time the gnome speaks, that’s normally a game I play when I cook them. But this one seems pretty salty might have to wash under some water.