Eight World Quests

It all boils down to “I, me, my” for these people rather than what’s collectively good for the game and most of its playerbase.

Then maybe you should sign up for beta? What is this argument what the hell LOL

People who dont sign up for beta want to test features before they are changed… which is what beta is for…

Blizz lost subs over Flying in an Expansion that was so small it was (almost) irrelevant. Blizzard can’t please everyone.

But, if they listened to feedback instead of stomping ahead with their fingers in their ears, i don’t know that they’d be bleeding subs like they have been.

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I didn’t get into beta after grinding my skull against Spine of Deathwing, so I don’t put any stock into actually recieving one.

They aren’t supposed to try to please everyone. They’re supposed to identify their target demographics and attempt to satisfy them sufficiently so they’ll continue to play the game and pay for their subscription.

It looks like they skipped that simple step that every responsible business does and instead decided to go on their gut feelings, without any concern how actual players would react.

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You didn’t get in to MoP Beta when everyone who pre-ordered MoP got in to Beta? Impressive.


I didn’t pre-order MoP. You never pre-order a Blizzard game.

They literally only gave it to people who pre-ordered. That was said multiple times, yet you are complaining that you didn’t get in?

Blizzard never said you lose all progress. From day 1 they said you keep all progress.

Talk about hyperbole. Also what they are asking for is the game we have now and had for the last 16 years. Bad right?

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You shouldn’t have to put money down to access a beta.

Beta testers are not all saying that though.

You need to keep in mind that the bulk of the player base, and that includes beta players are not posting on forums. If they’re giving feedback it’s in-game as they test. What you’re seeing is a vocal minority, same here, all the threads being posted about pull the ripcord? They’re all from the vocal minority, and even within those threads there is not universal agreement on whether a system works, or doesn’t work.

And regardless of the decision Blizzard makes, one party will be upset, meaning Blizzard has to juggle things and hope that when they drop a compromise, that both parties can be happy with it, rather than just one.

Why does there need to be any time? Makes no sense. It adds no value to the game. 0

Honestly, that all sounds great and fine. Seriously.

So… lets not ruin that by linking abilities to them… We should be able to enjoy what ever covenant fits us as the player. Let there be some unique perks. Mounts. Transmogs. Recipes… Maybe even some functional gear. Let that be the reason a player chooses one.

Instead, Blizzard is making the choice for me. If you want to raid, there is clearly a covenant that is best for you class/spec. It’s not about min/max, it’s more like… good luck keeping your raid spot when you don’t offer what the raid needs.

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It doesn’t matter what should or shouldn’t happen. Can’t complain that you didn’t get in when you didn’t do the 1 thing that got you access.

Did they keep that policy thought?!

This is false. Besides reporting bugs and using the confused button, which is used if a quest or objective doesn’t make sense, there is no place to give feedback on game systems in game that is specific to Beta. They encourage people to post on the forums or Reddit.

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People who talk about a “vocal minority” are trying to mislead people into believing that the majority agrees with their own decidedly minority opinion.

People who post in favor of the proposed systems have a decidedly atypical playstyle. Many have not played the game in years. To what extent does a player who doesn’t actually play the game figure into the calculation, or one who makes many thousands of posts on alts?

I think your team is the “vocal minority”.


Uhh, yeah there is, you click the help button and there’s a ‘submit suggestion’ button right there above ‘report bug’. It’s been there since beta started and it works perfectly fine.

Seems fair to me btw.

People are stressing about group invites for a game that hasn’t even released yet. Imagine stressing over hypothetical situations. This is all insane.