Eight World Quests

In their defense, that’s two days to change for optimal gear/borrowed power for a different fight. So I’m guessing (totally guessing here) that means that progressing guilds can’t crank out their grinding in one night, but must coordinate for three or more times per week?

So is the number (or lack thereof) of WQ’s low because of Torghast and the other content? I’m not too privy to the routine that awaits us at 60. I guess it’s because I’m going to go full Boomer Vanilla mode for Shadowlands and just take my time and read, listen, and watch everything. So does anyone have the cycle of what we’ll be doing at 60 - obviously other than running dungeons - until the first raid comes out?

They all got fixed

Azerite>Swap with gold
Essences>Swap with tome
Corruption>Eventually fixed with a vendor kinda but still a garbage system.

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There are only 3-4 world quests per zone per day, but they generally take at least 10 minutes to complete, and many take 20-30 minutes. So fewer of them, but much longer (and much more boring).

So, Torghast is a weekly thing with a cap, this earns you mats for legendary crafting. The maw is another weekly/daily(?) thing for renown and Anima Power. And then just dungeons for gear, obviously. I’m not sure what role WQs play yet, they might be a source of renown and Anima Power as well, but not certain.

(Again, just to be clear, even though I know you know, this is just based on what I’ve read. I’ve not tested any of this stuff)

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Yeah so do I, because I stand by a very simple rule. If you don’t like something, don’t do it.

You don’t like the direction that WoW is going and you see Blizzard developers refusing to budge? Then leave, show them that if they continue to develop their games in a way that you don’t like that they will lose your support as a consumer. It’s not a difficult concept, yet for some reason folks stay around and continue to pay Blizzard money or give Blizzard their time.

Yet you don’t see this in any other activity. If you’re not enjoying a book, do you keep reading it while sending letters to the author hoping they’ll change their writing style to something that suits you? No. If you’re not enjoying a movie, do you keep watching it while sending emails to the director telling him he needs to change how he’s creating his work? No. If you’re at a venue of any sort and you’re not having fun, do you stick around regardless and complain to the management? Or do you leave and go elsewhere?

In all of those cases, a reasonable person would take their money and time elsewhere after leaving perhaps some feedback, and they’d only come back IF changes were made.

But instead what we see here on the WoW forums are people who hate the direction of the game, but rather than leave, they keep demanding change while also throwing anyone who disagrees with them under a bus.

Sure it did. It allows people like the OP to say “see it only takes 8 WQ” or “it only takes 2 days”, while ignoring that it literally fixes nothing of what most of the complaints were.



But Blizzard budged on:

  1. Legendaries being purchasable in Legion
  2. AK changed
  3. Azerite vendor
  4. Essences became account bound
  5. Corruption vendor added
  6. Conduits (Still a problem)
  7. GCD changes

You fail to see they listen to feedback.



Yeah stuff like the bombing run can be shorter, but quests like A Matter of Stealth are awful and can take up to half an hour to do, even worse if there are other people around since things like the pollen aren’t shared.

Not including travel time to and from (since there’s no flight whistle), of course.

But those were legitimate complaints. You’re complaining over a handful of quests a progression bar at this point. Not the same.

Can we stop with the player categorizing, please? Mythic raiders are players, too. And just because you don’t want to be good doesn’t mean others don’t.

Also, like others suggested, this change will not bring any actual change. You say two days is short, I say two days of needless grind is a waste of time. Let’s say a guild raid on Thursday and Monday, and you want to swap covenant for some M+ fun on the weekend. You gotta not do any WQs on Thursday, remember to do it after raid, drag your behind to actually do it even though you might be tired, and then you might be able to swap on Friday or Saturday. Then, after doing the M+ you gotta remember to go back and do the same thing, and then maybe you’ll have your raid covenant back for Monday. Doing all this for once is once too many, doing it for the entire expansion is going to the the exact opposite of fun.


Actually, what people are complaining about is that when people say “We need a healer” I can’t switch to my healing spec and be fully functional unless I tell them to wait 2 days so I can switch covenants.

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Who’s deciding what is a legitimate complaint?

Why isn’t making covenant abilities a talent row/easily swappable legitimate?


Still faster than waiting for a competent healer to sign up in their premade group. :stuck_out_tongue:

Well, that’s not true either. You’re totally functional, but not optimal. Big difference.

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And ignoring there’s no confirmation on this will be all there is to it. Like I said earlier in this thread, that doesn’t fit the agenda.


Most players do stuff more challenging than 2/12 LFR.


Sonechka was just so desperate to try and rub it in peoples faces and now is realises actually they are the minority.

I love watching this blow up in their smug face.

EiGhT wOrLd QuEsTs


And I think we would all prefer not getting lectured on raiding by someone who has 2/12 LFR.