Eight World Quests

They earned it. I’m not ashamed of doing it. Through the achievement shaming and the typical ‘I know more than you’, they earned it.

What details? I’m not seeing any details. I’m seeing a cringey hashtag and insults aimed at Mythic raiders. The only question I asked you, you dodged and ignored. This is a troll thread.

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They already tried to false flag the thread, it got restored.

Your race and class does not go away in 10.0. Covenants are about as close to race and class choice as your tmog is.


It does feel a little disingenuous in this thread to say “8 world quests” to people who haven’t looked at beta.

Most of them don’t realise world quests are dramatically different from retail currently.

That doesn’t do anything.

My issue with the system is that the disparity in player power between the covenants is absurd for some specs and classes.

People will still have to choose what is best (by 20-30%) or what they like.

They need to decouple player power from covenants. That is what folks have been asking for the whole time.


I don’t know. It doesn’t seem that bad. It has more implication for those that want to do two types of content in the same sitting period. I mean you’d still be able to do it, you just have to wait two days. I guess it gives more structure to your schedule, which is a good thing?

Can someone please explain to me what the heckn’ is going on here while I eat this amazing Crumbl cookie I just got (still warm).

Also what is a good covenant to go with for a Disc Priest. Thanks.


Yeah, that’s why I try to be clear where my information is coming from, so people can read into it what they want to read into it.

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Kyrian from what I’ve seen on Priest forums.

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Thank you, I should head over and look, didn’t even think about that! <3

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Plus, I assume, travel time, and dealing with the mobs that cluster in the path. Sigh.

Two days is much more awful than Eight World Quests though.

Guy knows how to play the crowd, gotta hand him that.

I mean, it’s like I said earlier in this thread. This just seems incredibly tedious to me, and if the tedium gets to be too much I’ll just take off until they fix it. I just hope my friends bother coming back this time, that’s all. :stuck_out_tongue:

Story of:

Then people came back in 8.3 and realised how much catchup they had to do and re-quit LOL.

Yeah, my entire guild quit after M Zul and just…haven’t bothered coming back. I popped back in for a bit in 8.2 to get flying, and just got back in a month ago, mostly to post on forums, if I’m being honest. And none of them are planning on coming back until pre-patch at the earliest, and even then, it’s not all of them.

You’re comparing eight world quests to Azerite, Essence, and Corruption farming?

OP likes it when people quit, though. Wherever would he be without his unrelenting hatred of everyone else who plays WoW?




the system to re join isnt final… would not rush and compare to 8.3 yet.

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