EDIT: FIXED (kinda) Personal note - Ran out of food money today

It’s all thrown out - but they’d like us to pay for anything we eat. I got talked to for taking good we were throwing out and taking it home/sharing it with coworkers. They’re watching us on the cameras like militantly - one of my friends there got fired for grabbing a sandwich that fell on the floor and eating it later.
Nobody I’m working with is above the poverty line.


Lots of businesses, especially chain or corporately owned ones, are super strict about it. They’d rather throw away good food than give anything away for free. I used to work for a store that had a cafe and you absolutely would have been fired for taking waste food.

Sorry chief, but your experience is not everyone’s.


ok boomer

That… doesn’t make any sense lol


There are places that would consider that to be stealing and you could get arrested for it.

Not a solid suggestion, just FYI.


huh where are you working lol this is not true what. yea letting someone do something that’s against the law ain’t it chief.

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tHAt DOeSNt mAKe sInCe

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If you’re poor and not a butthead you look out for other poor people. That’s what I do. When I can, safely.


No it’s definitely a thing for grocery store workers or places like Wal-Mart.

It’s pretty understood that if you see people taking food or like baby products or something that you keep your mouth shut.

lol alright clown


yeah, no sorry. people get fired for that. I’m not risking my job to “feel good” for a second.

Your name is poopboi. Nuff said.

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See a lot depends on where you live. Limes and fruit in general are really expensive here.

It does, I’ve seen stories of people getting arrested for stealing expired items by “throwing it away” and picking it up later.

And will make them pay for the food, but maybe give them a discount at best. I’ve worked in enough restaurants in my day.


People only get fired if your boss is a butt and you’re doing your actual job - that being helping others in need - badly.

what kinda fairytale world do yal live in where the boss is okay with someone stealing something

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We live in one where we don’t give a hoot about our bosses and actively work against them at every turn. :3

I’m just saying it’s not worth risking your job for it - if that’s where you work. People easily get fired over that. Not really anything to do with morals.

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Can’t get fired for what you didn’t see!


Bri as usual you’ve got it right :3


Part of the closing manager’s job was to watch us bag everything and dumpster it at the end of the shift. If you had a bag/purse, you had to look inside on your way out of the door.

This was a corporate, chain restaurant.

Don’t tell me what I did and did not experience.