EDIT: FIXED (kinda) Personal note - Ran out of food money today

Not mad about that - in retrospect it was dumb. In the moment I felt comfortable. I…didn’t think I’d be here right now.

It’s not advice. I would never publicly suggest someone break the law. Just interesting facts I thought pertinent to share here.


That’s not a bad thing to ask for - part of the reason I treated them though is because we’re all going through it. At that moment I was the most well off so I helped out


Cheap ramen noodles the 5-10 packs for a buck type and if you have a freezer a bag of store brand frozen veggies to mix in with the noodles so you don’t get scurvy or something. This was my go to in my super poor collage days.


go get a job at a restaurant. Free food. that’s how I survived when I was homeless living out of my car, sounds like you need an extra job to make up for the lack of funds you have anyways.

ooooh… this is not true… in most states it’s an arrest worthy violation. just ask the person being hauled off for shoplifting at a Walmart… only CA. has that no arrest for shoplifting law? I believe… and frankly it’s not worth adding more costs through court fee’s and time off for court appearance… not to mention background checks… many places will not hire you if you have a record of stealing of any kind…

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You could spin it some other way like… hey , were all broke… lets pool our money and get together and cook up a metric-ton of rice and beans/spices and make some easy meals for the week! Monopoly tourney afterwards!


get a lime or two, a quart of water and a bit of sugar. Quarter the limes. Mix together. Flavored water, with a slight sweetness to it.

Sodas… stay the hell away from them.


Interesting take, when it’s well known that the Russian bots were all pushing right wing agendas.


That’s what I was doing - they have since cracked down and are no longer allowed free food :frowning:

Except limes and sugar are expensive. Cheap bag of frozen veggies around here are a $1.50 and usually get 4 servings per bag.

Yeah doubtful. Managed a lot restaurants in my early 20s. Food is plentiful there.

I used to do that with my friends. We’d get together, everyone chipped in stuff, made a big batch of beans and rice. Played Battletech all night. Made it a weekend affair, and every got to take some home.


Yeah, it’s horrible advice. This kind of goes back to that previous poster “Dont listen to other poor people”

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The restaurant I worked at as a teen had a strict no food policy. Everything had to be thrown away. Taking any leftovers was a fireable offense.


Is this restaurant somehow not having any food not going to waste? Like they literally use and sell everything they buy with nothing that “goes bad” (which again doesn’t mean expired or unsafe to eat)? I’ve known several restaurant workers who definitely claimed otherwise. It’s sickening to think about how much perfectly edible food is thrown out.

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2 limes costs me 75c, I get sugar packets from McDonalds for free. Just ask them , they’ll give you a handful.

yeah that literally never happens. Restaurants will feed their employees because they generally know what kind of people they’re hiring. Food is plentiful in restaurants unless you’re working in some 5 star dining joint.

How long ago was this? You cannot go by what was policy when you worked, policies change all the time.

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I scored 10 family boxes of fried chicken from a a local place. They throw away all the unsold stuff, I was friends with the manager, and she’s said “Want some chicken?” with a grin.