EDIT: FIXED (kinda) Personal note - Ran out of food money today

100% do not doubt this happens. Like I said above, my brother wasn’t allowed to take home the food that couldn’t be sold anymore. He had to bag it up and throw it away and he did exactly that. It just so happened that the bag of “trash” got “dumpster dove” literally 1 second later. I wasn’t too proud to eat that food and it helped a lot when money is tight.

Also with the way the work economy is, I find it hard to believe (not impossible) that any business is actually going to fire someone willing to work those crap jobs over taking trash, policy or not. Stealing sellable products? Sure.


It’s incredibly obvious what people see if you managed for a long time. Like this is clear as day if this happened. Sorry I don’t think that telling someone to “unsee” something at your place of work that you rely on is a good idea.

I get my produce at the local Mexican Market. Stuff is real cheap there.

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Not worth a hill of beans without a large supply of clean water.

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Ah - you’re a manager. This is part of the problem.

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This has nothing to do with me as I said previously. I just don’t think that you should jeopardize your job for that. I am not a manager. But I do know managers quite well as most people do. Why do people resort to saying something about me when this literally is just a general statement.

Interesting and useful fact, it only takes 48 hours to die of thirst (two days) but roughly two months to die of hunger.

Definitely isn’t a suggestion. I’m just retelling a story from our past. It definitely happened. He was never arrested or fired (in fact they begged him not to quit and offered him a manager title and like a 50 cent raise when he gave his 2 weeks for a better job). Obviously OP should take their own situation and area into consideration.


Hey, I was a manager too lol

And if one of my employees was struggling and needed that waste food, I’d tell them to take it outside and out of range of the cameras and after that, I don’t know or care what happens to it.

Not everyone would do that, though.


Every town has a food bank of some sort. It may be run by the municipality or by a private org (like a local church). I tried reading the thread carefully but I don’t see any mention of OP trying to take advantage of something like that. And you absolutely should.

Also, this is not year 2000 anymore but there are still legitimate websites that will pay you for filling out surveys and watching ads. I happen to make 6 figures but I still do one of those websites and have been for over 8 years. It’s my “play money”, but I periodically check their Facebook discussion, and there are quite a few members there that are disabled and/or retired, and they need that extra income.

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DMs don’t like this chief. Like you can do it under the table but if u get caught and it’s against the law it’s a big bad.

heheh, where I live, Thursdays is free lunch day. Their are about 8 to 10 church groups driving around town or setting up in empty parking lots. There have been plenty of times I stepped out of my apartment and there was a group of church ladies giving out trays of spaghetti to the residents.

See if you have a local soup kitchen too. I have one near me (I volunteer there sometimes).

That’s fair - apologies. I’ve got biases cause of my own experiences.
There’s good ones out there - a lotta good people out there. I make generalizations to try and keep myself safe but it’s not a good habit. :frowning:
Sorry about that!


I’m not arguing morality. I’m saying it’s probably a bad idea to do if this is your source of income. Especially if you’re a manager - the DM would 100% not be happy with you. And I’m sorry, but I don’t live in a fairytale world where the DM also understands what you did because you can 100% get in trouble for some situation like this.

But it’s not the company… they are Governed by strict Health codes, that could put them out of business, should someone fall ill or become poisoned. even soup kitchens now have to turn away prepared or unpackaged foods. an unfortunate deal, but people have been known to poison or mishandle prepared foods. We no longer live in a mentally stable society…


Are you talking about my prepping supply? I have enough water. I live on a lake and have a water filtration, and if that were to become contaminated enough I also have two wells, one is deep and requires electricity and one is shallow with a hand pump.

For electricity I have a generator that can run off propane or gas and if need be I have the skill, tools and materials to build a gasifier.

As a person who redlined many of items for people in need as a manager long ago, you would be shocked what people do. Items get damaged all the time, food opened, diapers open, bottles, panties opened. No one is watching people steal laptops, tvs, or phones but food items or essential items for living there are many that will look the other way.


like i don’t understand what kind of world these people live in. like if ur a manager and u let someone steal that’s on you i swear im not crazy thinking like this lmao

No one should take that risk. I’m not going to risk my livelihood for someone elses problems.

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I saw this on my news feed. A guy was going to WalMart, buying the frozen pizzas, cooking them at home and selling them for profit on DoorDash.

He’s been doing this for months apparently.