EDIT: FIXED (kinda) Personal note - Ran out of food money today

That’s what I’m trying to take away from this :3

Just let em know you’re down to your last $5 and you don’t know how you’re going to eat for a while.

I have a bro-in-law that was in the same boat recently because his work had dried up during the pandemic and my father-in-law (who is not rich but lives comfortably enough) gave him a loadable debit card with some money so he could buy food.

Heck, even if your family gave you $20 that’d improve your situation enormously.

Whoa thats like 10 dollar bill money youre talking about! They only have 5. But yeah, buy ham on sale for like a buck a pound and beans and rice you can have food for a month for like 20 bucks.

I actually have 200 pounds of rice, 200 pounds of beans and about 40 cans of tinned ham and 40 cans of spam as my prepper supply.


O yea I forgot about Plasma centers if your city has them. They only gave $50 when I went to them. You just cannot have any drugs or diseases going on of course.

Yep. I did such things for alcohol as well, I needed it. But food and stuff as well. I blame life.

Wait, the OP doesn’t work? That’s the very first thing I would focus on then. Or if the OP was recently laid off, they should apply for unemployment asap. Only just been skimming the thread, so didn’t catch that minor detail earlier

Didn’t see any details on the OP’s age or occupation or any possible handicaps/disabilities they might have, so it’s kinda hard to offer advice without those additional details

If the OP is unemployed then he certainly shouldn’t be trying to pay rent on his own. Being unemployed = you swallow your pride and get a roommate or move back in with family, you’re going to burn thru savings fast without some source of income/job

Generally, that is the case. “I got mine, so screw you”.

It’s not daunting to work from the ground up, it takes time. I was kicked out of my house at 15, homeless for 3 years, joined the military, homeless again after that. Got hired as general laborer for a while, learned to drive CATS and Forklifts, and move on up. Finally went back to school, got my design degree. Been doing well since. The best job I had was a short order cook at a local greasy spoon. Got to eat for free, learned to cook and got payed too.


Are you assuming I’m poor?

Are you a russian bot?

I’m really hoping this pays off eventually, got a certification last week but all the jobs are a county over.


No one said that.

But we are saying the system needs some vast improvements. I’m a capitalist myself, but I can see how the system, if left to its own devices, creates poverty and abuse.


OP has literally said in this thread that they have a job.

Y’all need to read.


He does, but he dropped money on his first month rent then promply “celebrated with friends” before he realized that the “rent” was only the security deposit. Sadly the rest of his stash was spent in celebration of having spent 1/2 of his total wealth.

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Sometimes you have to go where the work is at. I always kept a gym bag of a few clothes and essentials and traveled site to site. Construction pays really well. I cannot tell you how many roofs I have done. :slight_smile:

What’s really cool, eventually you’ll pick up Spanish, especially down south.

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I mean just to give you some factual info that is in no way a suggestion, most stores aren’t going to prosecute someone walking out with a few dollars in groceries. Heck they may not even want to risk the bad publicity it would churn if it got recorded as “poor starving individual being made an example of for a few dollars in groceries”.

Heck there’s a whole movement/understanding among retail store workers where if you think you seen something, no you didn’t. You think you saw some poor hungry person stuff some ramen packets in their coat pocket? No you didn’t.

My brother worked at a gas station and was regularly responsible for closing. Part of his duties was to collect the stuff that was still perfectly fine (sell by date is not the same as expiration date) and take it to the dumpster and he did just that. He double bagged it up, set it right on top of the cardboard in the dumpster so it was “thrown away”, and then brought it home to eat. We’re talking like those premade sandwiches and wrapped burritos and stuff. Maybe you offer to help someone “take out the trash”.

Basically I imagine if you are truly desperate, ask for help from some common folk and you’ll probably find eyes are gonna get turned the other way.


I had 200 over next month’s rent.
75 went to meds.
25 to a weekly pass so I can get to work.
50 so I could treat my friends to dinner.
45 over the course of a week for food supplemented with SNAP.

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You might get mad at me, but I wouldn’t do that. If your friends know that money is tight, they would understand. It’s nice to treat people, but don’t put yourself into a hole doing it.


This is perhaps the worst advise I have ever saw.


Maybe they could return a portion of the favor? I wouldnt want to ask them… but it might be worth a try. Like… hey guys… I’m a bit short… could you swing a 20 until payday? just an idea.