EDIT: FIXED (kinda) Personal note - Ran out of food money today

food banks, churches and various other local groups will exist near you and be more than willing to help.
local reddit page might be a good place to ask, will likely get you more specific info.

there is also a group on imgur called the pizza angels that will help you out but it wont be a months supply of food like the above options.


People post their personal issues here all the time… along with their personal idea’s and opinions… that doesn’t give you the right to belittle and dehumanize someone and act as if you’re somehow superior. The person is in a state of despair… would it hurt you so much to show a small kindness? a word of encouragement? takes about the same amount of effort as the cruelty and disdain you posted…


There are places that you can go that give away food if you meet the requirements.

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oooh, yeah they are picky about diabetics too. Well, there is an increase need for blood plasma, and the rates went up. I been doing is for about 3 years now, 1st visit of the week, I get $40, the next they pay $75.


So can diabetics do it or not?

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yeah this, most don’t even have requirements, just show up.

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You have to weed through the lies and get them to own up to their own decisions for them to realize what needs to be done.

No amount of advice is going to help someone if they don’t realize sitting around playing a video game for 2+ hours a day is not the right move in your late teens or twenties.

Those are your PRIME salary increasing years you’re just pissing away.

The wake up call for me, OP, is take a look at other people’s resumes your age. Emulate rich people. Stop listening to other poor people validating your experience and pointing their finger at everyone else.

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No sleeves yet, that’s what I need the plasma money for :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

They can, it depends on the center you go to. The one I go to does.

Nah they just a filthy troll that’s only seen their reproductive organs

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My recommendation to you was get a job and work for your money. That is the only long term solution.

There are people with millions in the bank that live more frugally than you. People without money don’t decide on a game of this nature to ‘relax’ when there are all sorts of other activities out there for free to do the same thing. I am afraid your entire story makes no sense to me.

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Look into food stamps. Seriously.

Sounds like you would qualify.

At a lower time in my life, this really saved my family from starvation (because we were busy paying bills to have a roof over our heads).

Once you get stable again you can ditch the food stamps. We got off of them as soon as we could. I’m not a fan of taking handouts but my kids needed to eat, even if my spouse and I didn’t.


oh here we are the reason for this thread in a nutshell - working is bad - capitalism is bad - the only good thing is freebies…

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Yea, just go apply for assistance. That’s step one. Post back here if you need step 2.

That’s it. /thread.

….I work for rich people.
They’re out of touch with reality and they treat other people like crap.
Anyone who’s succeeding right now is doing that either beside they worked their assets off or - more often than not - just got old money.

@people asking if I can get a loan from my parents - do you think my family was rich or smth?!?


It’s always someone else’s fault.

ok boomer


How much money would help? :dracthyr_a1:

And hamhocks are cheap cheap… huge amount of flavor for way little money…

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I grew up dirt poor as well and it was a plus. I appreciate what I have now and what I can accomplish. If I went back to being poor tomorrow I have the skill set to deal with it.