EDIT: FIXED (kinda) Personal note - Ran out of food money today

That’s exactly what happened. I had a month’s rent saved up, and then about 200 more. I haven’t been that financially stable in a while. I picked up WoW bc it’s relaxing, paid off a an outstanding bill, and started looking for therapy. I thought I had some wiggle room. :frowning:
Found out my landlord hadn’t specified that he’d asked for the security deposit - when I’d paid him he’d said that it was the first month’s but…I guess that changed.

I don’t have a lot of older, more stable people to go to for advice. I came here. Nobody’s gotta post and nobody’s gotta add anything. If this had sunk that would’ve been okie.
But it didn’t, and now I have strategies. I’m a self sufficient adult who ran into a road block. Life sucks right now and if you wanna be a judgemental craphat you can sod off.


As Dave Ramsey says ‘beans and rice, rice and beans’


What about food stamp/ebt? There’s also programs for other things. I live in CA and EBT is helpful, then there is the heap project which helps with utlities. There is also the ACP which helps reduce internet bill and phone bill too.


yes beans are a lot better than pasta


On it already. Just making sure I use it sparingly rn. They closed my case because I forgot to renew it - so that is a thing, but I’m working on it. :3

The most important thing for me is not like…sinking. Stuff sucks but I’m trying to make it better. :3

I got a lot of EBT because of the pandemic. Normaly I get like a mere 16 dollars because I live in low rent housing. Its only 30% of your income if you qualify. So like…286 currently for a one bedroom. And its a decent 1 bedroom.

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That’s awesome!!!
I think my last one was around 90 - I don’t know about MA’s ratio but when I had a clearer head I was making that work.

Honestly just talking about it all’s helping me structure stuff way better.

5 bucks! Thats like a weeks worth of beans and rice. I remember almost solely existing on beans, rice and whatever my mother could grow in the garden when I was a kid. It was probably more healthy than anything I have eaten as an adult living on my own.

Pinto beans, rice, salt, pepper and mustard. Boom done. Additionally, there are so many food drives around. I have seen people complaining on facebook that they had to cart away so much food because people didnt show up.

Call around to some churches and ask if they know of any food pantries.

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Oh, then there is this. Blood Plasma centers pay about $100 per visit for the first 8 or so visits (in my area). Go 2 a week, for 2 months, $800 smackeroos


Side note: With the things people self publish on Amazon you could try to see if you can whip up a story to bring in a little revenue.


I’m heading out shopping - once I’ve got something in me I’ll check this out. Thank you. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::heart:

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I have been thinking of looking into that for tattoo money.

How bad does it knock you off your feet?

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Used to have some of those in sac area. I dont think they do anymore and it wasn’t 100 per visit. It was more like 25. I don’t think I can do that anyway because I’m diabetic.

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maybe an only fans if ur hot? lol :-p


It’s not bad, you are just a tad tired for an hour or two. Just so you are aware, if you have sleeve tattoos some places won’t draw plasma, they are very picky about that.

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Not everyone has a freezer.

JK… but you can see what i did. :laughing:

Right? :laughing:

Personally if my checking account dips below $1500 or so I start panicking/sweating/worrying, if I woke up and saw $5 in my bank account that’s… that’s “omg emergency do something YESTERDAY” territory lol, that’s not a good position to end up in

I make a decent living and have plenty of disposable income but I think I might do this.


This is great advice if you’re worried about your next meal. We have one where I live and it services a large area (multiple counties). I read stories all the time from the foodbank about people relying on it when they fall on hard times. The food should be pretty decent too.

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I don’t think anyone is debating that lol