EDIT: FIXED (kinda) Personal note - Ran out of food money today


omg you just reminded me of an ex girlfriend who worked at Valentine’s and she’d bring about 12-15 steamed hotdogs for the bois after her shifts. we all loved her :slight_smile:
ah college was fun.

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How did you get down to 5 dollars ?

Why don’t you have a job , do you have medical issues ? If so why are you not on SNAP ? Seems to be a lot of questions here

I’m a mentally ill college student living in the city working as a Barista. After medical bills and food I made about $50 more than my rent at my last place and was on snap the whole time. I spent it saving up for a place that’d let me make almost $400 over my rent. I celebrated with friends because I thought I’d paid rent that month, and…could finally spend a little on a plate of wings. Then i got hit with a surprise bill. :frowning:


What I like about this thread and the advice is that it shows that a lot of us have gone through hard times. And we’ve learned some hard lessons from it. And now know how to solve it. Bravo to us!


Talking about being broke and all your financial woes triggers me to no end when we’re all just sitting here on a time sink luxury video game.

And to have a bunch of people chime in to defend broke people on video games like this is very infuriating.

If anyone ever posts these kinds of things in earnest… You can always tell it’s a troll or someone not being honest because they never include things they did wrong. It’s always an argument about how the world is wrong.

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Can you ask for a loan from your parents or put it on a credit card . Looks like you will be ok next month.

Do not use a credit card.


Terrible idea.


And that’s partly why I came here. Y’all are knowledgeable. I’m 22 and I got kicked out of my parents’ place in 2020 for coming out. I’ve had a little support here and there but for the most part I’ve been chugging on my own.


Fair enough. But the guy wanted tips. If my tips arent relevant to him so be it. I didnt get enough info to rule selling a PC for food money and going to the library. There are probably a million “solutions” that dont work for the OP. It doesnt mean they are not valid. Take care.


it is better than starving no?

Most people live pay check to pay check so there is no shame about running low on cash. Depending on when you will get paid I would look for a food bank or pantry. While it may not be what you want to eat, it will be something to eat. You can always donate food back to them when you have extra to do so.

Second look into stocking up on easy food that you will cook and eat: rice, can goods, peanut butter, pasta, and bread. Then look for simple meals you make for yourself. A simple rotisserie chicken from the store can be used in many meals.


This, I did this when I was homeless for a spell.

But honestly, drop the subscriptions services if things are THAT tight. Time to go on survival mode, bare essentials only.

Check your local food bank and church pantries. I hit them all (about 7 of them) in one week, you’ll have enough food for a month. They even gave me a nice suit for interviews for free.

Oh, then there is this. Blood Plasma centers pay about $100 per visit for the first 8 or so visits (in my area). Go 2 a week, for 2 months, $800 smackeroos

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When you have nothing else , it’s a the only option .

Once upon a time , I had to put nearly 10 k of tuition on credit cards because my dad got sick and died and my mom could not pay for my college anymore . It sucked ya , but I survived and paid it all off once I got a job .

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NO IT DOESN’T have you considered before they found themselves in this position that they may in fact paid for their wow account in advance??? before something befell them that change the course of their lives?


That IS starving here… as well as being homeless… and I live in a CHEAPER part of the country.


He just said he’s been struggling for years.

You can get a lot of wrapped packages of Ramen for $5.
It will last longer then a single sandwich.


it actually does

and none of that has any bearing on their decision to post personal issues on this forum.