EDIT: FIXED (kinda) Personal note - Ran out of food money today

THAT does not make you right… I did the same… but what gives you the right to downgrade someone else’s existence? when you have no idea of their medical issues or what the job market is in their area?..


Too many factors to offer advice.

How old are you?
Is living with your parents an option?
Are you disabled?
Why are you posting on WoW’s forum about this?
Do you have kids?

In general, the rules to success are…

A) Don’t get pregnant until you’re married.
B) Don’t get married until you have a career going. An actual career.
C) Don’t stop going to school or professional training until you’re ready to admit you’re too dumb to continue. Even after you graduate or finish training… you should continue to grow.

At absolute worse case scenarios, and if you’re not a drunk or drug abuser… there are a lot of places out there to help people get back on their feet. You should still avoid debt and let people help you.

Oh and… I worked at Waffle House and other restaurants while in college. They give free food a lot of the times after your shift everyday.


Not everyone has access to a library


I grew up dirt poor too and you know what I think that was a plus.


I’ve been that low on cash myself. I figured if it was good enough for our ancestors to live on it was good enough for me.

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Work is hard to find.


They decided to put their issues on a game forum. That gives me the right to comment on their issues.


Let me guess, you also believe in “trickle down economics” and other capitalist propaganda?

You’re either a boomer and/or poorly educated.


My mom used to literally just bake onions for us to snack on bit of oil, butter, salt, and bake in the oven or even stove top on low heat until it’s brown.

It’s an acquired taste but I love it.

Also, dried foods are often very cheap I’m comparison to others and offer higher yields.

Where I am, we can buy a kilo of dried chickpeas for 1.99. That kilo can last a very very long time.

When my parents came to Canada we stocked up on rice and dried chickpeas before we were able to afford meats and fish and veggies. Also remember that frozen veg is nutritionally almost identical to fresh and it’s cheaper and lasts longer.

Take care bud.


work isn’t hard to find - what you mean is work you want to do is hard to find.

unemployment rate in the US is 3.7% - that is extremely low. I was looking for jobs when it was 13% and I found work.


True. We are just giving advice that worked for us. I have been on both ends. I have given people money, bought them something, etc. I have also had to pan handle, and look everywhere for change on the ground and getting cans.


And when you find it they’re like “we’re paying you $7 an hour for this master’s degree position”

And then they abuse the crap out of you

And then they’re like “no one wants to work” when their employees get fed up and leave.


1 can of corn 1 can of black beans and taco seasoning.

Should be around 3 dollars. If you find cheap tortilla shells you got tacos that will last you a few days to a week.


sell everything move to canada.

we chill

Rice, beans, peanut butter, ramen noodles, spaghetti noodles, heck any type of dry noodles, flour, and any other food with a long shelf life that can be cooked in a variety way to stretch out the dietary budget.


I never buy canned and always buy frozen.

Sometimes I buy the steam-in-a-bag veggies for convenience. They’re usually cheap, something like 2 for $5 at Big Y.


If you’d do something about all that cold I’d think about it.


I grew up on a Reservation, I bet I could put your dirt poor to shame… there are so many issues this person could have found themselves in this spot beyond their control… business’s are closing at a rapid rate unable to pay the utility costs to run… medical issues, job resources in a particular area lacking, high cost of rent that is way out growing the wage… stop being so self-righteous… And how would you have felt if someone made you or your family feel lesser than human for being poor?.. that is exactly what you’re doing… you are a foul individual to say the least.


Depending on where you live I would recommend searching for local food banks and grocery liquidators.

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Has OP even come back?