EDIT: FIXED (kinda) Personal note - Ran out of food money today

Im old, he probably would have been around 70 years old now.

He could have been, like I said, he just might have hated eating.

MRE’s are not bad, even super old ones

How rushed really are things in the service? I remember in Full Metal Jacket, there was a part where the guys were told they only had something like 5 or 10-minutes to poop, shave, shower, and whatever else. Crazy.

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One of my favorite movies, so good

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Full Metal Jacket was training and war. They also don’t treat recruits like they do in that movie anymore. That is called hazing and it’s illegal.

It just depends. There are extremes both ways.

You have basic training and then you have your job training. Basic Training is not rushed, but you are expected to finish quickly. MREs are usually a casual thing because you’re waiting around anyways.

Advanced Training is similar to school, but it varies greatly.

It just depends.

And when you’re out of training, it’s pretty much like having a job.


my brother went through that younger than me and retired in Arizona on a golf course, lucky dog

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Interesting. So they can’t be all rough n tough like with the trainees now and call them names and such?

If someone today snuck a jelly donut into their locker box or whatever you call it like Private Pyle did, what’s a likely scenario for how it would play out? In the movie they punished the whole group and it made them so mad they beat up Pyle with soap bars in pillow cases.

*Edit, I mean Private Pyle

the closest my bro made it to war was Kosovo, but by the time they got there it was over. Instead they spent time jumping from deck into the Adriatic

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I can barely remember to be honest with you. I do want to say we got punished as a group sometimes.

You didn’t want to be caught with unhealthy food like a burger if you weren’t passing PT.

This was over 20 years ago.

We had desert, but I don’t think many people even tried to eat it. The soda fountain only pumped carbonated water.

This was in training only.

We only had one guy the group took too negatively. He was a twin of another guy. The training group I was in had 4 platoons in a battery. The twins were in two different platoons. One of them was great. Ours refused to shower.

He just got a bad rep from there.

I almost got into a fight with a guy in the shower because I grew up cleaning with a soap bar directly on my body. And for some reason he took offense to me not using a rag.

I use a rag now, but at the time, it was just how I was raised.

And no, we weren’t sharing bars. I just always found that odd so it was something I remember.


This. While not everything will be $5, it does help if your on a budget. I’m currently sort of on the same boat, even tho I make ends meet. I try to save as much as possible as I don’t make much.

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I never use a washcloth, soap only. What a weird thing to be upset about

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I mean it literally triggered this guy. He went from 0 to 10 in nothing. I asked him why he was looking at me in the shower. And that was it for him man. He was ready to go.

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I remember being told we were allowed desert, but if we took it, the sergeants at the snake pit were far more likely to call you over and mess with you.

Potatoes will do the job …for a

Willowbloom went to the grocery store and did get enough food to make some healthy wraps. I think they have a plan until next paycheck.

They were really appreciative of all the tips in here.

They are working, going to school, on food assistance already, and working through medical/psych issues.

Today was a confusing day but they seem on track now.


Yea, it was something like that… and if you weren’t passing PT they’d roast you, but I never saw it because no one gave them the opportunity.

Plus they got a few tips on what to keep on hand to prevent this from happening again.

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I really hope a lot of people found some useful tips here, or that it encouraged them to look for websites and recipes. Even if you have money, there is no sense in wasting it.

If someone does not have resources, hopefully it encouraged them to find them locally. We have a website where I live that connects people to all sorts of help such as Govt agencies and including charities. I have never used it, and hope never to have to. I am just glad it is there for those that do need it.

I was a poor kid who did the great grades, lots of extra curricular activities, college, pay off debts fast, get a career, get another career, get more education, get raises, etc. I own a home. Then things can come crashing down when you don’t expect it - even later in life. It gave me a ton of perspective on others. The idea that it is “easy and just takes some personal effort” does not tell the whole story at all.

Age and experience has given me a lot of insight, and compassion that I did not have as a young person.


I have several food allergies and am a diabetic. So, I do have to be careful with what I eat. But I keep a variaty of dried beans on hand with different frozen veggies. It may not be what I want to eat but it will keep me from going hungry or getting something from a food bank that I could not eat but someone else could.