EDIT: FIXED (kinda) Personal note - Ran out of food money today

Generally, although that brown rice I linked is actually cheaper than the same size white rice by the same manufacturer, and most of the other white rice too on there, for whatever reason.

White rice tastes good too though. The brown rice is technically healthier but calories are calories.

Also, you can grab a cheap rotisserie chicken and use like 1/4 of the meat per meal and stretch it over 4 nights, i can eat a pretty nutritional meal for 3-4 AUD per night if I’m smart about it.

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Hell I would take beans and rice over a convenience store sandwich any day of the week anyway.

I eat the same way i grew up which is like im dirt poor. There is an exception though I have a freezer full of ribeyes. I cant help it, when they are 5.99 a pound I buy whole ribeyes and freeze them. I just cant pass up a steak sale.

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YES! And even for folks who can’t cook or are really busy that is easy.

Whole chickens are on sale this coming week for $0.99/lb. I can get that much cheaper than a rotisserie and cook it myself. It is bigger too! I try to keep one or two in the freezer and get them when on sale like this.

Lentils are much cheaper than even beans. And if you want to actually get flavorful, which I’d argue is not necessary contrary to what others say here…

Look up Indian Daal. Which is just spiced Lentils for the most part.

But if we’re really talking about struggling…

I’ve been so lazy as to just toss a bunch of stuff into boiling water. Don’t get hung up on cooking videos.

Rotisserie chickens are overpriced. Buy a whole raw chicken. They’re MUCH bigger even though the same price. And you can just plop them in an oven for an hour or so.

They have way more meat than what you get from the store cooked birds.

Cut out the wishbone, cut off the leg/thigh quarters, cut off the wings, cut off the two breasts starting from the backbone.

There’s easily 4 meals with the breasts, two meals with the leg quarters, and another meal with the wings.

And you can put the carcass in boiling water to flavor up a cheap soup. You don’t even have to go full on stock. Just toss the carcass into boiling water and pull it out when it’s cooked through. Then cook some veg and rice.

I honestly can’t score them cheaper than the rotisserie chickens, factor in the seasoning and time/energy spent cooking them, it’s just a no brainer for me :blush:

Rotisserie chicken smells so bad to me that my stomach feels queasy just smelling it. It tastes slightly better than it smells but still is barely palatable. Ever have a food that a lot of people like but just is nasty to you?

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Yeah, McDonald’s.


I like them for quick salads. Roasting a Chicken is Cooking 101. And to expand on the rotisserie chicken smell. I avoided a local market because of that, can still smell it!

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My buddies step dad spent 20 years in the army, when he sat down to eat he would literally just mix all his food together and shove it down his mouth as fast as he could. I dont think I ever saw that man enjoy a meal.

Im going to help you. Buy a kamado grill, get some charcoal, take any meat and slap any spices you want on it or just salt and pepper. Throw it in there with a probe and everything that comes out will be delicious.


Goblin Witchcraft.

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Same, well for some of their stuff anyway. Some of their food’s gross. I do like their Big Macs though, which are probably gross too but they taste good to me. Their doubles and quarter pounders though make me slightly nauseous. Their chicken sandwiches kinda make me want to hurl too. Ever try their version of a spicy chicken? Eww. Jeesh, it’s just not good.

Goblins make orks go, right?

That’s actually sad. I guess he was trained to eat like that and couldn’t get over it?

McDonalds preys on your memories of what they once were


Some truth to that… :disappointed:

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Yeah, he said he ate that way because thats the way he ate in the army in the chow hall because they only had so much time to eat. He was super skinny for all the years I knew him to, he might just not have enjoyed eating anyway. One of the best people I knew as a person but watching him eat was a travesty.

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They don’t train you to eat like that. MREs are delicious and if you’re not in the field you get three square meals a day. Delicious hearty meals.


It just depends. But after training, if he was in for 20 years, he is just exaggerating.