EDIT: FIXED (kinda) Personal note - Ran out of food money today

Just to clarify here, if we’re talking about end of the world apocalypse level starving to death homeless and literally just needing something, anything, any sort of crusty mana from heaven to put in your belly and there are no other options – no bugs around, no worms, nothing… – then sure, let’s buy a couple little bags of dry rice and/or beans and ration it out all week. Mmm… good eatin’.

For any remotely sane and rational person though who isn’t quite literally starving to death, to suggest that you can eat an entire week off $5 is A GROSS EXAGGERATION.

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No but you are. You are making comments that are intentionally inflammatory and vague and generalizing on a video game forum in the hopes someone bites so you can throw your hands up and say “I didn’t say anything about you, pal. Sounds like a you problem.”

Since we’re making assumptions, I’m just going to assume that you are either

A. Not wealthy and are projecting your feelings onto others because you feel insecure about yourself.

B. You are wealthy and have never faced a single hardship in your life and are incapable of being empathetic to other peoples issues.

Get a life.


The small rice packages are silly expensive. The deal is to get a large 10 or 20 lb bag. That brings the cost per lb way down. Same for the dried beans.

Something else folks, if you are eating repetitive meals, or have limited access to fresh foods, invest in a bottle of daily vitamins. No matter how young you are, lack of decent rounded nutrition can make you feel like crap and have long term impacts.


The only one “gross exaggerating” is you.

Every “sane, rational” person knows that we’re not “exaggerating” but instead “generalizing.”

Here’s another 3 dollar word to describe your stance: PEDANTIC. Please stop.

edit: The point wasn’t to whip out a calculator, pennies, and a Price is Right spreadsheet.

The POINT was to show that for what you’re spending at a flipping convenience store for just a few things, you ABSOLUTELY CAN feed yourself for a week. This thread is 650+ deep of people agreeing with that… but you think this is “grossly exaggerating?”

You’re just being a contrary wonk.

It’s really not, it’s a very discriminating place that doesn’t like women very much and doesn’t like trans people in general. It’s quite harmful to many people and takes a lot of money from national budgets paid for by real workers taxes.

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5 pounds is 11.79. They don’t seem to have anything bigger (online anyway)

Want a 24lb pail for 33 bucks?


I am sorry to hear that. I order mine online usually via Walmart or something similar. I can get it for under a $1/lb. Even the Basmati or Jasimine rice is that cheap in bulk. Thankfully! I love rice dishes and they are an fantastic way to use garden veg.

Which reminds me, I have tomatoes to roast and freeze for later sauce use. Project for tomorrow :slight_smile:

First off, lots of people eat beans and rice, it isnt bad. This person has stated they needed to make it til payday and then talked about going to 7/11 to buy a sandwich.

But im sure people in such dire straights can turn their nose up at perfectly good food which will provide the needed calories because “I dont wanna”


Yeah, just like most other government departments.

Which is why I didn’t just suggest “cheap food”, but also to look up YT cooking vids to help prepare it.

And as I also said, so many of our “fancy” meals that we put so much merit upon, many originally came from humble origins. Per my example: french onion soup.

Simple food can be AMAZING once you know how to prepare it!

I think I’d rather starve than eat all that rice lol. That’s a good deal though, I do wonder how much additional protein comes with it though. :eyes:

I love Jasmine rice, i can make a bag of rice go a very long way with a large bag of frozen vegetables and a dozen eggs/maybe some chicken, and that’s not even penny pinching, i just like eating it lol


All rice has bugs in it. My prepper rice is in mylar bags. I suck the air out and throw them in the deep freeze for a couple of days.

And im sure there is a store around you that sells rice cheaper. I dont know where your at but even in boston you can find rice cheaper than that.

That is long grain brown rice so is more expensive (but healthier!). White rice is a lot less.

I can get 20lbs of Basmati online at Walmart for $18.54 and have it put on my porch for me.

I think the Thai Jasmine is a bit more, but not by much. It runs about $21 for 20 lbs.

YES!!! And in summer there are fresh garden veggies and herbs too. Then soup to make from chicken bones and leftovers. Maybe toss brown rice in that. Heh.

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hope you’re doing ok Willowbloom, hang in there

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My point was not everyone has cheap grocery stores near them or even debit cards/bank accounts to buy online. My grocery store is grossly overpriced and if I were poor and it was my only option I’d be screwed.

Unfortunately, I can’t cook very well, so I spend way too much on take out personally. I somehow missed the cooking gene in my family.

If you have any local farmer’s markets, those are good to check out. Most of them will have an “ugly veggie” section where the produce is only slightly marred in some way, but is like 1/4 the cost. They are still open this time of year - they usually shut down in October.

Good luck to you!

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That part is true and I did not even think about that. I can do it because I have a credit card and own a home to safely have things shipped to. People who don’t have that, esp those in inner city food deserts, are very limited in healthy and inexpensive choices.


Im a hundred miles away from Boston in the middle of nowhere in Western Mass :smiley: But that’s okay, I’m not buying rice in bulk anytime soon , was just showing it can be more expensive than stated.