EDIT: FIXED (kinda) Personal note - Ran out of food money today

It will get you 2 pounds of rice and 2 pounds of beans. Carbs and protein. Its not really that gross of an exaggeration. Thats enough calories for 5 days.

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Missed the ‘privilege’ part of that, didn’t you?

Privilege of a well-working body with no health defects that would disqualifty you. Privilege of having the right personality type to not care about the well being of others, and enjoy both taking out your issues physically and mentally on others.

You didn’t pay anything, others paid for you.



All too often board trolls post some complete nonsense and no one dares push back.

Thanks. :slight_smile:

This guy openly admitted he doesn’t like poor people. Everyone should have stopped feeding his ego awhile ago.


There are other options. And I find your posts about the military disturbing.

I don’t like poor people that point fingers and play video games all day. For sure. Guilty.

Where are you going that bread costs $5?

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He said bread and bologna. Are ya’ll legit trolling? Ya got me.

Once again, making assumptions.

You’re a broken record, aren’t you? Regurgitating the same things because you have nothing else to say.


Other options may or may not work for others, that’s how it works. People can end up going into a field with too many others, or the jobs fall away. Work dies off or goes for veterans that have been in the field longer. Then they end up with debt and nothing to pay it back with.

How many people do you think have degrees but end up stuck in low wage jobs? Quite a few. That’s those that get through everything and ‘take another route’.

I find the military, those in it, and those that talk about it like it’s a great thing, disturbing.


My bread costs 5 dollars :frowning: Its low carb bread.

I mean, if you fit what I’m saying it’s up to you to insert yourself in there. If not, not sure what you’re arguing if you don’t fit it.

I never said it was a great thing. It paid for college. It’s a job.

Beans, rice, root veg.

You are good. Most towns have a food bank or local community garden.

Choosing to buy a 7 dollar gas station sandwich is a choice. And a poor one if you are struggling.

If you have space for a small raised planter buy potato. They turn in to more potato with zero effort.


Its a job like any other, and in the event you ever need them you will be thankful they are there.

I’m not talking about me. I’m not poor. Im talking about everyone else here that you’re clearly directing such a comment to.

Oh and there are other jobs that pay for college too. A lot of them. My company now offers tuition reimbursement.

If I’m making an argument, and you are taking it personally, you’re inserting yourself. I’m not assuming anything. I’m stating the way I feel. If you take that personally, that’s on you.

I can only speak for Massachusetts but looking at my grocery store online,2 pounds of rice is $5.79 1 pound of beans is $$1.99. Still on the cheap but the poster was definitely exaggerating in my experience.

I make a lot more money than I need and I wouldnt buy a 7 dollar gas station sandwich.