EDIT: FIXED (kinda) Personal note - Ran out of food money today

And I will too, now that I’ve peaked in my earning years.

Get a job at a grocery store. That 15% discount is almost necessary to afford food with all the shrinkflation these penny-pinching corporations are up to these days.

Getting loans from family members and getting propped up by a system that likes to do so to those that already have money or privilege? Those things are very much possible, and usually the very arrogant people it happens to talk about how ‘easy’ everything is.

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Me personally? I went the military route. So cushy. But I still lived frugally.

My girlfriend, on the other hand, got her undergrad from University of Toronto and it was very expensive. And she went the roommate route since her family is from India and wasn’t in Canada.

She ended up going to WGU for her masters and paid that off with work.

All very cushy though according to you guys.

And totally not possible.

I think this guy just wants to feel superior to everyone else. He probably lives a sad life and has to come to a video game forum to seek his validation.


Listening to poor people will keep you poor.

I can’t tell if you’re talking about me or the person I replied to. :dizzy_face:

He’s been arguing with me the whole time. He’s siding with you.

Haha that explains a lot, the attitude and everything else. Couldn’t handle living as a wage earner or actually going to school yourself but you throw it in others faces. Had to go get everything given to you from the military, paid for by our tax dollars (Wonder how much of the budget goes to military :thinking:) So you’re welcome, I guess?


Acting like your struggles are the same as everyone else’s will keep you ignorant. But go off.

You act like people here have no hustle because they’re poor? Some of the hardest working people I know work minimum wage jobs. In fact, many of them work two or three.

It’s absolutely ignorant of you to think if you work hard, good things will happen to you. Some people have circumstances that simply won’t allow that.

Again, you need some perspective.


The ignorance is almost jaw dropping.


Oh, I’m positive that poor people work hard. No doubt.

Stupidly, but hard.

And when you’re in that spot, the finger pointing is at everyone but yourself. There’s no accountability. There may very well be other reasons. Good ones.

But there’s also things under your control. You just don’t want to admit it.

There it is.

If you had just admitted you hate poor people from the start, you would have saved everyone plenty of time.

Take the L and leave now, sweetheart.


You’re like a walking LinkedIn post.


I mean, I do not like poor people that point fingers and play video games all day. Guilty I guess.

But I’ll point any of you in the right direction when you’re ready to stop blaming the world.

I’ll take extreme gross exaggerations for a thousand please, Alex.

$5 won’t even get you a loaf of bread and a pack of bologna.


Again, you’re making assumptions about things you don’t know. Who are you to say everyone here is playing games all day? Who are you to say anything about someone on the internet you know nothing about?

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It’s just funny how people like yourself couldn’t handle going the actual work route or anything else, but had to take the ‘easy’ way out paid for by someone else via the military which eats up so much budget that would be better spent elsewhere.

Were you, or were you not poor going into the military? :3

You pointed at working actual jobs apparently as ‘too much’ and went another route via a system of privilege.


I don’t know what the chip on your shoulder is about for the military, but if it’s easy, you’re just proving my point that there are easy options so I don’t really care what more you think about it.

Go the “easy” military route then.

And I never claimed jobs were too much. I just chose another option. There are many options. Apparently the military is the easy one according to you.

You don’t even need a college degree. Get professional certifications.

lol My post bothers you THAT MUCH?? lol What a tool.

And for “gross exaggeration”, please tell us how much a 5lb bag of rice costs. And could you eat a 5lb bag of rice in a week?

Get bent. Some people here are just trying to help. This isn’t a doctoral thesis, it’s a message board for a video game.