EDIT: FIXED (kinda) Personal note - Ran out of food money today

This might sound crazy to you but not everyone has a great childhood or good parents. its just how life goes. I moved in my brother after highschool and got my life on track though. I dont need to tell you my cry baby backstory either btw.


I’ll just dig them up from the ground and see if they will let me live with them, you’re a genius! You should really try to get out of your little bubble more.


Literally all the backstory anyone needs? Not all parents are rainbows and sunshine.


Every broke person says it.

I listed multiple options. You’re all arguing with the one ya’ll can’t do.

Ya’ll can’t get roommates either? Can’t get a job? We’re talking late teens/early twenties here.

You can’t figure this stuff out but magically everyone that isn’t poor figures it out?

Slap together a Walmart bunkbed, get a two bedroom apartment and three roommates. Get two jobs. Pay off your loans in a year or two. Move to a big city or adjacent and get a six figure job.

There are people on etsy making 6 figures with hobbies. Ya’ll can’t figure this stuff out?

Tell me you’re ignorant to real life because you lived a cushy life without telling me.


Oh I lived a cushy life now? LOL Maybe if you didn’t have 30,000 achievement points in WoW, you wouldn’t be broke.

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Also, OP, if you get EBT, keep in mind Amazon takes EBT. (And if you are on EBT you can get Prime for like $6-7 a month).

Something to keep in mind for next month.

And if you aren’t on EBT but you are struggling that much with money, I can only imagine you’re eligible - I would go apply. Some people are ashamed to be on it, but tbh, unless you’re in a cushy job nowadays, you likely need it with prices going up.

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I am quite literally disabled and the only way I can even have income is SSI (which took 8 years to get approved for, FYI), which gives me less than what people make on a 20 hour work week on minimum wage to survive.

You do not know what people are going through. Stop.


We’re not talking about after graduating. We’re talking about during college. Someone said these jobs were for college students which implies college students don’t need to support themselves.

And if you have a three bedroom with $3000 rent, you really think your minimum wage at $7.25 is going to cut it?

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Well and there’s the trifecta of these threads.

youre free to dumpster dive for that. There is a community that does exactly that.

And if you are on EBT you can get Prime for like $6-7 a month

lets out mile long sigh

:dracthyr_lulmao: :dracthyr_lulmao: :dracthyr_lulmao: :dracthyr_lulmao: :dracthyr_lulmao: :dracthyr_lulmao: :dracthyr_lulmao: :dracthyr_lulmao:

Yeah good luck with that


Ya’ll really lack hustle man. People do it. Talk to a first generation American. Get your eyes opened.

Playing WoW for 17 years isn’t going to make someone broke.

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I make 75k, soon to be 85k. I’m not paying off my student loans in two years, no matter how hard I hustle.

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You assume people aren’t hustling.

I worked a 40 hour job on top of being a full time student in organic chemistry, and you don’t think I’m hustling?

You need to get some perspective.

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It’s all about habits and what you prioritize. It’s very telling. Take my profile for example… how much end game raiding do you see there? None.

I spent time in my late teens and twenties doing the things you’re claiming impossible.

And now that I’ve got money… somehow I’m hoarding it and part of the problem.

I can game now though… and spend all day on forums and still not be broke, but ya’ll are broke and on here all day.

And I know plenty of wage earners with family who have plenty of end game raiding :roll_eyes:


Meanwhile the CEO of Blizzard actively raids and does M+ every night when he isn’t working.

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