EDIT: FIXED (kinda) Personal note - Ran out of food money today

It’s a genuine question, though. The point of having a job is to live. I don’t know what it is you expect people to do with minimum wage if that’s not the point of minimum wage.

What is the point of a minimum wage to you?

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I have no strong opinion one way or another regarding what it should or shouldn’t be. I stated a fact about it. If you need it to have a point, someone else stated above:

There you go.

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I’m glad you found a solution, and I hope things turn around for you soon. Good luck! :heart:

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It’s always someone else with these reasonings man. Always.

I never hear someone say “I’m broke because I goofed off all day in High School and couldn’t get scholarships.”

I don’t know how to break it to you, but college kids need to live, too. Many college students go to school on loans and most of the time the excess money they receive from student aid ends up not covering their entire expenses for a semester, especially when they go to college in a city where rent is extremely high.

Positioning these jobs as just summer jobs is not sustainable, because who fills them once summer is over? Training and onboarding someone is expensive and so expecting businesses to just cover the turnover costs is not exactly the most economically sustainable thing.


buy meal worms
place meal worms in compost
wait for meal worms to grow
eat meal worms.

WGU costs like $1000 a semester. My girlfriend got her masters from there and now makes over 6 figures. They’re still hiring.

And some states offer free tuition, contrary to the news. Tennessee has free tuition.

Get a roommate. Hell, get 6 roommates and put bunkbeds in a room. I did. You can too.

Some places don’t even give yearly raises or require some weird metric/qualification and most are just 2% a year. 2% at $7.25 ain’t much. If EVERYTHING ELSE rises 2% or more, that’s basically stacking against it. We’ve seen a lot more than that in a lot of places.

Wonder how much they’d make if they didn’t give execs and CEOs so much money, especially when they just hire friends and people they know for positions that do almost nothing.

It’s very strange to me the essential jobs are the lowest paid ones.


I agree. The HR being taught today is that quality employees move around and continue to grow. If you’re in a white collar job, you’re expected to continue to apply to other jobs every other year or so. Master a job and grow into another job.

I’m not making excuses for it. I’m just saying that’s what’s being taught and how companies are these days.

$1000 for tuition for Western Governors University??

Because I just looked it up and the average tuition is $9,000, and that’s after aid.

Did you go to college in the 80s?

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Yes, we went to online school in the 80s. It’s actually $3,000 per 6 months term.

And it’s study at your own pace. It is self-study though so a bit more difficult. Most of the IT is CompTia certifications.

But it is an accredited degree and you can get good jobs with it.

I don’t know if it’s an online school or not. I just looked it up and saw the tuition prices.

According to the website, it’s above $7,454 for a whole year, but further investigation shows that this price varies depending on the field you go into. Nursing is more expensive, for example.

However, even so, the amount of aid you get is relative to the school you apply for. That’s why when you apply for student aid you are asked for which schools you applied for.

So even if someone did apply for this school, they would still need to support themselves because they probably wouldn’t receive all the aid they need to cover their expenses. Hence why they need a job that pays them a livable salary.

In any case, what I’m trying to say is that college students need to live, too, so to pawn these minimum wage jobs as if they’re for college students implies college students don’t have their own set of bills to pay for. $7.25 won’t cut it anywhere these days unless you’re living in some backwater town in the deep South.

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You can also live with parents while in school or Shock move in with parents after school for a year or two.

And that’s in addition to scholarships, aid, and military options.

And WORKING, which may not pay for all of it, but gives you something to eat off of and pay rent with roommates.

Has it ever dawned on you that maybe someone doesn’t have the financial support parents provide, or that maybe someone doesn’t even have parents to look to?


Really? my dad kicked me out at 16 and if it wasnt for a friends parents taking me in I would probably be a homeless drug addict lol.


Yea, there are a lot of options. Stop looking for excuses. Stay with roommates after graduating.

There are plenty of people getting jobs right out of college. I had roommates. You can deal with them. It’s not too bad.

It gets cooked it isn’t runny yolk
Similar in taste to egg drop soup

So many people on here playing World of Warcraft who have parents that kicked them out. No backstory other than “Dad kicked me out.”

True, but the company was not able to find anyone else to do the job for less, so that is why the CEO has the pay that they do. If it was a job that any random person off the streets could do, then everyone would be a CEO and CEOs would make minimum wage.

Unfortunately life is not fair and some are luckier than others.

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