EDIT: FIXED (kinda) Personal note - Ran out of food money today

Plan your way to bounce back off of this, idk how you end up with 5$ left in the first place, i would’ve been in a constant state of panic at $1000. Don’t live on the edge like that, 1 single mistake or unfortunate event like sickness or food poisoning could lead you to a path of no return.

IDK how it is in the western country, but for me i would just go back to my parents home and plan my way back from there.

You literally know nothing about their life or situation, get bent.


If you had any understanding of psychology and human beings; You’d know - not everyone CAN work to the extent necessary.
Im a grand example of that, but thankfully I live in EU, nordic country, and have quite an alright minimum-existance pay eventho I suffer autism, depression, anxiety, nerve pain, and a long list of issues beyond already those debilitating ones.

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they want to waste time struggling in a game - that tells me they aren’t doing much struggling in real life.


You’re a certified idiot, a lot of people are working and still can’t make ends meet, as the cost of living is going higher per day, but not wages… let me guess? ummmm someone probably pays for your living?..


That tells you nothing


I have enough in my bank account right now to pay rent and it’s driving me nuts, even though I know I still have three paychecks before I have to pay, which will be more than enough at the end of the month.

Still drives me nuts.


Take whatever you are typing on and pawn it.


no I did my share of working 2 jobs and grew up during a time of over 10% inflation, over 15% interest rates and over 10% unemployment - people don’t know how easy they have it now.


Dumpster diving is an option, for sure.
Instead of buying a sandwich from 7/11 you could buy a bag of russet potatoes and a dozen eggs and live very well. There is a reason that there are a 100 ways to cook potatoes and a 100 ways to cook up eggs. Don’t buy Ramen noodles, buy noodles – there is another week to get by with cooking noodles and adding butter. I swear, a round box of oatmeal gives a meal at about 15 cents a go, you just can’t beat that; that is a month of meals.


Selling a laptop is a horrible idea.

It’s a source of employment. It’s a way to get jobs, find money, find resources. It’s the last thing you should pawn.


Short-time solution that might bring longer-time issues.
In todays age you need certain technological devices to get anywhere, and not having them is a severe cut in your ability to proceed.


You can do all of that at any local library for FREE. ive done it …long ago.


Average job here NOT requiring years of college and or expensive hundreds of dollars+ vocational training pays about 8-11 dollars an hour, which with poverty line being $27,000 a year for ONE PERSON means even a single person with one job working full time is still below the poverty line.


Take that $5 and buy flour and yeast. Bake loaves of bread for a week. You can stretch that $5 a long way by cooking your own food rather than buying a sammich.

Spam in a can for protein if you can swing it.

If you have eggs, eggs+flour = noodles

throw a little butter on em and you have a meal.


But seriously, they are incredibly flexible, filling and fairly cheap.


Not piling on, just something to think about, if you were that close to broke, celebrating was a terrible idea.

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I grew up dirt poor. These days money isn’t a factor in my decision making. I’ve “made it” so it say.

That being said, you’re an idiot. No one should have to suffer like I did. Just because I have money now, doesn’t mean that I suddenly feel like other’s should suffer too. You’re a garage person.


Yup. Lived on them for 2 months.
That and butter (luxury, I know!).

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Can vouch for this. Made bread last week and have 4 loaves that’ll take me a while to get through. And you can freeze bread.