EDIT: FIXED (kinda) Personal note - Ran out of food money today

Lettin people know their options aint ever a bad thing. Things like stealing/physical retaliation - anything that’ll land you in the pig’s hands - that’s a last resort kinda thing.

Dont get me wrong, I would absolutely steal if I had no other options and I or my children were starving. But there are a bunch of other ways.

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As long as it’s not taking from another that needs it, yep. As you already mentioned, it’s morally correct to do so to big corporations.

The problem is the people that base morals off of current laws of wherever they live at, when said people are trying to outlaw a lot of completely normal things.

The main problem is the show of force that happens when you break their laws, despite being in need and the bad situation it puts you in. Which tells you more about them and the country than anything else.

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You’re a deeply unpleasant person to interact with.


Ironic, coming from the people that used a discord to brigade forum posts and sling hate at others freely. <3

I don’t mind people like that thinking I’m ‘deeply unpleasant to interact with’ because I call them out on stuff like that and don’t take their awful behavior without incident.

sigh, still making things up I see


Don’t even bother here, for reals.

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Oh I know. It just needed to be said, in case there’s anything about them that’s genuine.

Some things really are not worth the effort. It won’t change anything or improve anything.


It’s a shame, I don’t usually read Willowbloom’s threads, but this one had the potential for useful information for people, and this clown has been trying to derail it with arguments all along.

That aside, I think some useful, on-topic stuff got out there.


You realize people in other countries still get their hands cut off for stealing? and they aren’t stealing from large corps either… because the WORLD doesn’t morally except that stealing is ok.


Gonna keep denying it, I see.

Nice, you think starving people should have their hands cut off for stealing because you think stealing is ‘morally wrong’ because checks notes some countries do awful things if you steal no matter where from.

Even when I’m not talking, or talking to you people you keep making tons of posts about me insulting and demeaning me. So you tell me who’s more fitting of that than anything else. I guess it’s time for another e-mail to the MVP/CC feedback for even liking that post.

Stealing would be a big no-go.

If you get caught, then you’ve compounded your problems by a couple orders of magnitude.

Don’t do that.

Reach out to the agencies who can help you. There’s no shame when you are truly in need.

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That doesn’t prove anything that you think it does, cupcake.

Though it does remind me that you’re the little rat that thought mocking me for my divorce was a reasonable thing for an adult to do on a game forum.

Anyways, it’s probably best for all involved that you just go on the ignore list where you belong.


why doesn’t the CC do anything about it? like legit there’s good suggestions - yet paragphs of text hide it because it’s literally ONE person

It was going well until someone decided to start an off-topic argument.

Never occurred actually, you confused me for another user and then made the blame on me and STILL DO when it was disproven.

Because that’s what you do, make accusations with zero evidence while I make mine WITH evidence and you go ‘that doesn’t prove anything’. While you prove NOTHING ever. Contradict yourself with every post, what a surprise.


Pretty amazing the others accusing me of ‘posting off topic’ or ‘being a troll’ will continually misgender me and throw insults my way when I don’t do any of the sort to them.

They’ll be able to read that, too.

I’m not sure they can. Best thing for all involved is for us to scroll up and flag all of the dude’s more incendiary, transparently trolling posts. :man_shrugging:

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It’s just so dumb that stuff like this exists in a serious thread.

I am not sure if you mean the Community Council or not. MVPs and Council folks are other players. They have zero ability to moderate or do anything except use the report flags here.

The forum mods take reports from across all the Blizzard forums for all games and action them if they are found to violate forum rules. Some people are disruptive and antagonistic, but manage not to quite break enough rules to get banned.

Ignore is the best option for someone walking grey lines. Do not engage. If a thread is annoying, but not against the rules, you can also mute the whole thread using the toggle option at the bottom left of the thread. I won’t even show up on your forum thread list anymore.

Don’t feed the people looking to argue even if they try to make it personal.

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