EDIT: FIXED (kinda) Personal note - Ran out of food money today

Some trolls are almost entertaining. There can be a clever art to it. Even Reddit has better trolls than what we see here in that regard. At least, less direct and obvious.


Can give blood too

There are three trolls in the forum who are the only people I call trolls, two of the three is you and Talonthul, but “ok boomer”. Also I’m not part of any group, I’m not a follower. I’m an anti-conformist.

yea, it’s too bad we got this instead lmao and the other T person who literally does the same thing lol.

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It’s pretty interesting how many people trying to talk down to OP and give them a bunch of (Generally bad advice) have a lot of behavioral and toxicity issues themselves especially in an online forum, so many ‘rules for thee but not for me’ types that wouldn’t take any of the advice they try to offer and then go on in a thread mistreating others on a consistent basis and then wonder why such issues in the world continue to go on.

You do, you keep posting at me, while trying to be offensive and derogatory (Funny how you and the others fit the forum rule for trolling more than me, isn’t it? Nice projection you have there.)

i have read this thouroughly, and in my opinion, without stepping on anyone’s toes, while thinking about this from a realistic standpoint, without trying to be offensive, who cares


I’d send you a little to help through the week. Don’t have a lot but enough. This whole last week has been a curse. My brother got hit by a car, my whole family got sick and we are just now finally getting back into things, then today my sons bus ran into a car. Ugh! What a week.

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I forgot I had an appointment because of arguing here, gonna make it while I can, peace. Be safe all. Gonna mute Pawzer and be done with it.


yea u right dawg

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I appreciate it hun - but remember to take care of you and your people first. Keep that little bit of extra cash on you just in case anything else happens. I’m sorry everything’s been crappy for you - but the last thing you want is to be caught without a safety net. You take it easy okie? I’m hanging in there. <3


Most of the advice given to them was pretty spot on. Except for the few who told them to go out and steal.


makes me chuckle everytime.

I hope things go better for you soon :purple_heart:


Yes I’m sure you’re engaging in this in good faith with that name and your consistent insults towards others.

Even then…the only reason I wouldn’t dare is because I’m tall, clumsy, and I don’t wanna get anyone else in trouble either. I think stealing’s A-okay if it’s food - but I’m not gonna ignore the fact that there are consequences for gettin caught.

This!!! right back at you… Rules for thee and not for me… works both ways.

Feel free to quote me at any point where I broke a ‘rule’ of mine, as in gave advice that wasn’t followed. It does work both ways, now go take your own advice and see where it gets you.

Yeah, its funny funny, it run the chance of putting you in an even worse situation. And it isnt even needed, I could go out and get buckets of free food right now. It would take me 10 minutes.


Even then, a bunch of us were like “No, don’t go steal” lol

erm idk chief