EDIT: FIXED (kinda) Personal note - Ran out of food money today

The best thing about ramen noodles is you can add things to it and it’ll be great :smiley:

Telling the truth isn’t fearmongering, then again you tried to fearmonger them into a hospital visit and an in-patient stay didn’t you?

Yes, you really shouldn’t do that since it’s what makes your paychecks I guess.

It’s scary how many really awful people go into medical fields to have power over others, just like police.

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I just ate a braunschweiger sandwich on low carb bread with mayo.

I feel sorry for the lawyers doing that job ,all the legal matters just give me a headache just reading the qualifications alone. :weary:

I got wraps, chicken, tomatoes, plain yogurt, spinach, and parsely. I had a big thing of garlic at home so I made myself greek wraps. ;3

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you know ive never had that but looks interesting.

That’s my bro,always hungry with the third party chron’s.


a nice juicy burger sounds amazing rn.

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Its good, but you have to slice it thin. If its thick you can taste the liver in it and its super fatty.

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Why would I care to apologize, I don’t even like you, and it has nothing to do with you being trans. I don’t like you because you can be an obsessive annoying troll. And quite obnoxious.


“Why should I apologize for a mistake and intentional misgenders that I will continue to do again and again? If I don’t like you, it’s okay to demean you and dehumanize you as a trans person. Promise it has nothing to do with your being trans, which is why I entirely won’t apologize for intentional misgenders and personal attacks related to your status.” - Momoshiki

Or trans people, I’m aware. It’s not surprising, a certain group not liking me is fine but they don’t get to run what they’ve already said back like they’re ‘doing good’.

i just dont think they like u homie


Sshhh, don’t say that or bro would read it and drive me crazy for one. Limited funds for food and endless hungry don’t mix .

I actually believe there’s an alien in there !

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nah i just dont think they like u specifically

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Trolls give themselves away pretty transparently on these here forums.


You gonna try to say I’m OP of this thread like you said I was OP of the other thread, now?

The ones that consistently call anyone that disagrees with them trolls? Yeah, if only Blizzard moderated their forums.

i mean they really should be banned, idc. they’re just annoying to read. just don’t add anything positive 999.999999999% of the time.


Hey OP.
If you still have both Kidneys, I know how you can make some quick cash.


nah i was saying they dont like u

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This sounds quite good and healthy. Your school may have a pantry for students that you can visit as well. Some so have that.