EDIT: FIXED (kinda) Personal note - Ran out of food money today

When the body type 1/2 change was datamined a month ago, I think I was adding like 20 people a day to that list. Like good lord the forums got bad for a bit. More than usual.


Nah just people that continually misgender and actually show such traits like you have here in this thread, you know with actual evidence unlike yourself.

Please point to any post of mine where it wasn’t aimed at someone that intentionally misgendered me, because you won’t be able to.

Just remember now you’re also going with someone calling trans people ‘it’.

I hear you bro doesn’t like it you are so limited on what you can do even with the money you get,plus you can’t hold a job or the money will be cut or you’ll have to pay it back plus some. It robs a person’s self wealth .

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Made for some fun reads at times, though!

What are you talking about, how can you say I posted in “x” threads, yet claim I pulled how I dislike you out of thin air?

You’re literally proved i interacted with you before. I’m literally the only person in the game with this transmog outfit.

it’s is not a reference to your gender, btw :slight_smile: more so the action.

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You did?

Yeah, you did actually. When I hadn’t even responded to you in this thread.

Then you intentionally misgendered me a couple more times for effect after I corrected you and insinuated I’m someone else that you dislike because I called you out on it.

I love systems that are designed to keep you within a certain class bracket. :3

or rather - ignore the complications that daily life brings and have no understanding of someone’s daily struggles. :sweat: Feels bad man

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Ramen noodles are your friend, i lived off of these for a long time because it was all i could afford.


Im talking to you as a literal nurse in a hospital, forced inpatient incidents only occur if you are homicidal or suicidal and even then it is only for 72 hours, I have taken care of MANY people who ran out of their meds, came into the hospital for a couple days and got the resources they needed to help them get their meds like I said usually at no cost and once you get yourself more " balanced" you will be better able to handle your personal situation. But regardless I wish you luck in your life and hope things get better for you!


If that’s the case then I’d love to go for it. having that kind of structure would be nice. :3


Pretty much any of the “I’m a poor college student plz halp” staples.


first of all, this character haven’t posted on a single lgbtq thread not even a talonthuul one, so you already got yourself caught in a lie, second of all, you do know forum accounts get reset when they realm switch, and I literally never changed my transmog in months. I already know you and you already know me. I responded because you’re giving people problems and I already know you’re a troll based on my interactions with you alone.

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Their definition of ‘suicidal’ can be very broad and they can have you forcefully committed, and of course the 72 hours is generally a minimum when they can keep you indefinitely if you’re not where they want you to be.

To be quite honest, I’m pretty sure those in-patient facilities are scarier than any other place out there when most of the staff have their own extreme issues.


I’d say that and chicken. Overseason it and roast that in the oven until it’s pretty much jerky and stir it it in with your ramen?

:ok_hand: Good soup

yall are making me hungry

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quit fearmongering its not helpful and could cause someone to die, it isnt funny to play around with real people in real situations.


What did you end up buying? You should still check out any local food pantries.

if it makes you feel better im eating shrimp fried rice and its good. =P

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Um, well, not the staff, but the patients themselves. In my experience, the staff albeit a bit rude, are tame in comparison to the patients that I’m FORCED to interact with.