EDIT: FIXED (kinda) Personal note - Ran out of food money today

THE OP she states she has unmedicated mental health issues, going to the hospital would help her with getting her meds and getting set up for rent assistance, places she can get food and any other services that is provided in her community, mental health is just as important as physical health and usually they go together hand in glove.

I did not get anyone to threaten you and I didn’t say anything transphobic, but whatever.

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Only to counter your insistence that this is what/how I learned, so everyone must do the same. and as I said, no one is taking the time and sorting outdated food, from contaminated food, as every business has its own company policy.

That is paid so I don’t use it. Even without the Walmart + thing shipping is free over $35.

What makes me grumpy though is some of their stuff is in-store pick up only :frowning: I am not going there physically.

I am sorry to hear that :frowning:

I don’t know what I would do without delivery.

Best option! I have one person on my Ignore list. Sometimes other threads get muted so they don’t clutter my list.

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You have before, and then you intentionally misgendered me (again) and then tried to walk away from it.

Best option is to do it to any of the yellow/green texts tbh. Since they just use their status for clout and to put down others, not surprising given the kind of people on it that you don’t talk back to.

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Most Health Dept, provide those services, either free or on a small income sliding scale…

So I’m transphobic because I keep ACCIDENTLY, misgendering you?

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It’s not an accident if you keep doing it, and when corrected don’t correct yourself in the same thread, and then continue the trend without any apology while you try to gloss over the occurrence? Do you forget the stuff you’ve posted in previous LGBTQIA+ related threads?

Because you posted anti-trans, and anti-LGBTQIA+ rhetoric in those threads because of said person who, was proven to be a right wing troll.

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To do so it is a long legal process to enter the SSI like many appeals and would take over 6 months and or year to complete plus the wait for state to complete it,by that time you’re out of luck unless you have family or children.

Unfortunately, I have like 20 people on that list. This place gets pretty bad, but some of it is just trying to block out the fluffy nonsense threads.

I was actually about to suggest that very thing, and that ya just let it drop with this dude, but hey, have some fun.

Oh, because I commented on Talonthuul threads, the guy who is a known troll, wow. You’re probably his alt.

That is unfortunately why I haven’t gone and done that option. :frowning:
There’s also - well, I’ve heard there’s a lack of agency that can come when the state finds out you have some particularly stigmatized mental illnesses - and while on one hand I’d be getting the help I need, the last thing I want is for someone to take away my agency in the name of the greater good.

Spent too long bein kept in a metaphorical box - last thing I wanna do is get put in a real one.

I never posted in any anti-trans, anti-lgbtq threads, why are you pulling shih out the air

and now you intentionally misgender me as a he, again avoiding using they/them as much as you can. Further proving your ‘accidental misgender’ claim was 100% false.

Evading the language filter, and again you’re the one that just pulled the accusation of me being someone else you dislike out of thin air.

You said I’m them, therefore, using those pronouns after I corrected you, is saying that I am that person. Am I them, or am I not? Which is it? You can’t have both, but keep back-peddling.

??? What, I said “his alt” meaning I’m talking about a different person, it’s not a misgender


u forgot to highlight his i guess lmao

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Yeah, Pawzer is a compulsive liar, narcissistic and troll, same with Talonthuul, they will call anything they disagree with “transphobic”, “bigoted”, whatever



yea i mean it’s obviously troll and trying to bait, but like i hope they feel better sometime.