EDIT: FIXED (kinda) Personal note - Ran out of food money today

A lot of companies have a very limited policy of what you can take home. I think it was mentioned somewhere higher in the thread that some companies are taking to locking their dumpsters.

All of this adds up to, as mentioned legal liabilities. If you lament the food waste, take it to the lawyers. As with most bad, nonsensical things in the world, it’s their fault.

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are you sure you replied to the correct conversation with that comment? Because I don’t get yours in relation to that at all.

Oh geesh, not everything is related to mental illness when it come to a job or food.

yes, i said yogurt was gross, you said its good in curry, so I said why not squeezed lemon instead.

Walmart ships to my front porch. They have been fantastic for me. This week they brought me 10 lbs of flour, two canisters, yeast, canned soup, and cat food.

If you order more than $35 at once shipping is free. I just save up a list and put in an order when I need enough to justify free shipping.

That’s untrue, I already said that restaurants let their employees take anything home that is mishandled, forgotten, overcooked, etc. Like I took food home everyday back when I worked in Fast Food. It’s the reason I got fat lel.

Some companies don’t allow it at all, no matter what, yes. Some lock dumpsters - even non food related ones because they don’t want people taking disposed of electronics and anything else.

Not really, because it relates to everything and not just food from said companies. There’s no legal liability there.

Generally, it’s the problem of bad people. Which, is most corporations. :slight_smile:

yeah, I was on Walmart + for a while

Ugh Walmart. I refuse to give the Waltons my money :rage:

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Alright. I see you have a fixed perspective. That’s fine. I’m moving on here.


if you’re on medicaid and go to the hospital, they will give you free food though lel

Man I wish walmart delivered to my area. I order what I want online and then I have to go pick it up. But my shopping trips usually are about $150.00 every two weeks for feeding a family of four.

Did you read her posts?

Thanks for admitting to being incorrect, have a nice one.

My pronouns are they/them, not she/her. Not anything else, not ‘dude’, not ‘bro’, or any other variation of words. Thanks.

But, the typical one that was transphobic before will continue to be so - even got the CC/MVP that threatened me before to like your post. :3

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Having a brother as I said, a manger for a major Grocery chain, many times the employee has no idea there is even a recall, it is handled between the manager, and the supervisor of the dept… and frankly that is the way your store chose to handle it, that doesn’t mean every business handles it in the same way? my brothers store has bins that are locked and expired and recalled meats and veg’s are put in those bins by the Dept Supervisor only, to be sent to the local wildlife sanctuary… so see not all handle recalls and outdated foods the same.

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It’s Pawzer, what do you expect. I had her muted for a while about 1-2 months ago lol. She always thinks she’s right.


Yeah, I can see why.

There’s a been a torrent this past week of people absolutely insisting in engaging with you and an attempt to argue, even when you’re like “Nah thanks, bro, I’m done here”.

This isn’t the only case, but… meh, whatever, it’s GD


jeez, I only have $130 a month for food each month T.T
At one point I had to only eat a bowl of rice with a can of salmon/tuna.

However, the government been giving bonus SNAP on the 15th of each month since COVID, Thank Elune

Which person. I read yours and you go to a hospital mostly for a physical problem not for a mental illness unless it is an impactful event. I had that problem with bro on his stroke issue that nearly killed him because the doc referred it to a mental issue.

Having worked as a manager at a major grocery chain, as I said, most of the throw aways are out of dates and not anything else as you explained.

At major companies like now also Walmart, there are no specific ‘supervisors’ over something like Meat dept, and are over multiple areas and generally now the REGULAR employees are the ones to handle recalls there too.

Then I guess you can stop trying to counter my arugment with - my ‘brother works there’ when it’s not even your own direct experiences.

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