EDIT: FIXED (kinda) Personal note - Ran out of food money today

um, if you’re homeless, just like a dead person, your lawyers will be the Government itself

Stats actually prove most of the food thrown away is stuff customers left on shelves, is just now ‘out dated’ even if it’s perfectly good, gets tossed. Nice try, not going to read the rest of your post and I guess you get iggy privileges for trying to bad faith argue from the start without stats. Ciao.

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Yes - and depending on what state your in, that…can be worse.

Yeah, lesson learned.

AND it gets tossed in with just what I said… contaminating the lot…

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yeah, most of the food thrown away for GROCERY stores is food left on shelves, however, Coven is right too, because most food thrown away in RESTAURANTS is food that’s improperly handled, so you’re both right.

stop arguing, you’re both right

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Thanks for the info.omg state hmm.

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No it works in some applications, but not all… Like I’d never use it on a baked potato, but like Ravenhawk I’d use it in my curry… because curry gets more of its flavor from the spices and not the fat.

oh, sorry, what state you live in?

why not just use squeezed lemon?

Georgia,yeah,back wood swamp.

damn thats the queen tuna or what, im seeing in a walmart you can get a 5 oz for 0.75, but maybe you dont have any of those near, thats almost the same price as in my country for tuna, but here our minimum wage its like USD 250 a month (so in my case tuna its kinda expensive anyways)

Actually Grocery stores are the biggest target for recalls… I have a brother who works as a manager of a major store chain… they get recalls for contamination almost daily… just the news doesn’t cover it unless it’s a major outbreak… or someone dies.

Rice and chicken OP! They go faaaaaaaaaaar

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Where I worked? No it doesn’t, recalls and such have a completely separate procedure and were not placed in the same place as the other stuff. Further, as previously stated - I worked there and I knew what happened to said food yet it was still a requirement to fully toss it without the ability to give it to someone else, or take it home, when you know it’s still good. (Particularly food that’s ‘out of date’, or food that was left out on the shelf or frozen food left in a refrigerated area not a frozen area that’s still fine for consumption.) So again, keep bad faith arguing to explain away corporate food waste.

At Walmart, a can of tuna is like $1.14-$2 where I’m from.

I can’t stand the smell of tuna, but out of curiosity I checked my local Walmart. Their brand of tuna in water is $.78 you can get other brands in bulk (package of 6) for less than $7.00.

Seriously go to the hospital ( If you have medicaid ) and state you are having an “event” relating to your mental health issues, talk to your case manager at the hospital and get arrangements made for getting your meds ( usually can get them for free ) and they have information on rent assistance, food pantries and so many other things that might be of help to you. Good luck !

Yeah, great value for 0.75, however the 5-8 packs, being I didn’t see the great value packs, were about $5-$7. With rice, it’s $2, so that’s $7 per meal.

Also, in my area, there isn’t a Walmart in the next checks google maps, $3 miles. I lack transportation and have anxiety on the bus, plus live in a bad neighborhood, plus cannot carry all that shih and have to go grocery shopping at the local market, and those prices of that market is what I was mainly referring to.