EDIT: FIXED (kinda) Personal note - Ran out of food money today

I don’t quite qualify. I have Social Security.

I am very good at being frugal though and I usually ask family for food for xmas. That, or help with fixing house things. I also do what gardening I can and use/freeze things.

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I made tuna tetrazzini last week with bread crumbs that I felt were a bit much. Maybe I’ll try ritz crackers if I make it again :thinking:

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that is what ruined it… :nauseated_face:

sadly, where I’m from, due to inflation, there are no $1 meals here.

Even getting rice and tuna will cost you a good $7 T.T

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Well, I did not have sour cream that the recipe called for and I use the greek yogurt instead. I adore it on nearly anything that would get sour cream.



I’m on social security and have food stamps. All people on social security qualify for Food Stamps. Unless you make too much where you cannot get SNAP

I don’t know the qualification in this area since bro is legally disabled but not me. He has more than one condition in that regard.

Tbh that whole argument just sounds like a way to justify kicking people while they’re down. Nobody’s digging stuff out of the trash because it’s easy or preferable. :frowning: Apologies too - not aimed towards you. That’s something I’ve heard a ton too. :frowning:


I feel like there’s a disconnect going on in this convo where like - people think just having a job will fix this, and that’s why taking the food/ “stealing” isn’t right.

I am working. So are my coworkers. The only ones that get consistent meals live with their families - that’s not an option for me and a lotta my coworkers because we’re all queer and young and…well, same story as a lot of us.

It’s super hard to move up, or to look for another job, when you’re starving, cold, lonely, and exhausted. It’s tough to schedule an interview when you have to stack your week to make sure you have a roof over your head. It’s hard tot look presentable when you’ve been clopening for most of the week.

Impossible? No, you can do it. It takes a lotta work. A lotta mental fortitude especially when you’re dealing with even more.
But like…I dunno. :frowning: I can’t emphasize with anyone who…doesn’t get that that’s tough.


What? No, I was saying that’s something my boss will tell me anything I attempted to give products to the homeless.

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OH OOPS wait no I wasn’t saying you were doing that!!! Sorry sorry, lemme fix that

“Generally, to qualify for SNAP , non-citizens must meet one of the following criteria: Have lived in the United States for at least 5 years. Be receiving disability-related assistance or benefits. Be children under 18.”


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A lot of the crappy rules like that aren’t really meant to be cruel to the homeless, but instead to be liability protection for the business, because of lawsuits and insurance reasons.

Like if you give a homeless guy some food and he gets food poisoning and he sues you as the employee of X company, that could lead to a costly legal battle.

It sucks, but that’s how these things happen.


I don’t think the greek yogurt has as much fat as sour cream, and as they say… Fat is Flavor.

Btw, in some states, if you’re homeless, you can get a free phone from the Government. This is why many homeless people DO have access to technology and the internet.

YEP, that’s exactly what he told me

I use yogurt with my curry, but for casseroles, I use sour cream. I learn that lesson long ago.

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While that is true…like that is the reason they give -
I did see a lovely counter argument that pretty much just went:
“Ah, yes. A homeless person and their team of highly paid lawyers that are skilled enough to go head to head with a corporations’.”

It doesn’t invalidate the above argument, but it does seem like a rather arbitrary reason. :frowning:

Yogurt is so gross

Excuse me? most of the food thrown away is improperly handled, I know one place that inadvertently spilled cleaning supplies over their inventory.// do you really think that was safe to eat? from the garbage? You don’t know what happens to that food before it makes it to the garbage, there are other reasons things are thrown out… possible contamination. recalls due to salmonella and other food born illness’s, spoiled food mixed in with outdated food… not like business’s are sorting and separating garbage for your safety. SMH at ridiculous.

I like black beans WAY more than tuna so that helps. Protein, fiber, vitamins. I can get rice in the 25lb bags and beans in 20lb bags. It is a bit of money up front, but way cheaper that way in the long run.

Now I really want to cook up a batch of black beans…

Not everyone on it qualifies… I also just fall outside the range for internet connection help.

I am ok though. I have my own house and thankfully what I get covers most of the mortgage and bills.

I am the sort that does not really go anywhere anyway and would prefer to make something vs buy something. Fix something vs throw it out. Relaxation is reading on the deck and people re-home books to me all the time when downsizing.

My WoW sub is an xmas gift.

I don’t struggle. I just have to be very careful. I grew up poor and we hunted, fished and grew most of what we had. Rest was from the co-op in bulk. I ate VERY healthy amazing food that way and learned a ton of skills. When I did have a great career job I saved everything I could (it is a habit) so I have a buffer.

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