EDIT: FIXED (kinda) Personal note - Ran out of food money today

I worked for a company that produce food ,the original owner was concerned for those that were poor and would allow them to take what they wanted,mainly because it help the community and free advisement .Come in today, that isn’t the case for the company now which lost the plant to another buyer.

There is more profit in free advisement than being greedy and changing a culture of an area.


lol, I just did this for lunch. heheh

Actually Ramen with egg is actually good, no


It’s basically egg drop soup and it’s delicious


Only if its scrambled just a straight up egg yolk is absolutely disgusting and if someone cooked that for me I would disrespectfully throw it away.

Being a diabetic I can’t have a lot of rice or potatoes. But I always have dried beans on hand, frozen onions, salt and pepper and I can eat 4-5 days on that if I must. When I have the money and they are on sale I snag pork chops at $.99 a pound. Usually the package is 3-4 pounds I divide it up and freeze.

I am disabled and don’t have a lot of money but I do make due with what I can get.


You literally can’t, they consider that still theft. Which is why I pointed out, referencing what’s considered ‘theft’ by said corporations as some kind of push back is silly.

You couldn’t buy the stuff they’re going to toss if you wanted to, but go off. Stop trying to talk on a subject you know nothing about - clearly you’ve never worked retail or anything else similar.


Spices,nothing helps a meal better.

I mean, what I do is i cook the ramen halfway, put the ramen into my wok, put about two yolks in, and stir it. Bam! Egg Fried Ramen lel.

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man im from south america and been there in that situation, and my advise is you cant afford convenience, because convenience is too damn high.

One sandwich on a gas station can cost the same as a bag of 1 pound of lentils or beans , 2 pounds of rice, and 12 eggs (if you can find some A, not AA or AAA, those are smaller but you can get like 30 for far lesss than any supermarket), and some salt those 4 things can feed you for a week if you arent picky and dedicate like 30 mins to cook. buy time eating like that while you get on your feet, was like that with my wifey while we were both in college and working at the same time, didnt go out anywhere and just played warcraft by changing gold into tokens. that was our only fun. Saved enough for the first payment of a house and now we are paying the next 10 years a moderate fee monthly for something that its ours.

It takes time to get on your feet but it will be better, at least you dont have kids or are in charge of people, thats when things get nasty and you have to accept all the worst things.


Yea these corporations can do what they want with their product shocking right? What if its only theft because the product they are throwing away is bad old and someone can get sick from it? Have you ever considered that or are you stuck in your I deserve free stuff cause I work here mindset?

I honestly had never had it because my dad hated it apparently so it was never cooked in our house. I am old now and decided “hey, I have limited income - I like budget cooking and should try it”. It was not terrible, but also was not really that good. I even added extra frozen veggies because I like veggies. Topped with crumbled Ritz.

I have one serving left in the fridge. Yeah, not again though. If I made something similar it would be with chicken, not tuna.

I buy things in bulk on sale, freeze things, etc. Batch cooking can bring down costs per meal for healthy foods to less than $1 per meal easily.

This weekend the store near me has whole chickens on sale for .99 /lb. A chicken can feed me for a week in different dishes and the bones and stuff make soup stock to use then or freeze. Chicken stock makes a great base for black bean soup and I have something like 20lbs of dried black beans.

Sounds like the OP has gotten some food and made some solid plans to last them until the next paycheck. So that is good.


Othering someone by calling them abnormal is disgusting.


Damn, I really need to get a wok lol

The secret is to season the piss out of it.

I have a giant can of cajun seasoning in case of emergencies, and tuna casserole gets a looooot of it.

Yeah… I found that out the hard way. I had added pepper, and the recipe suggested sour cream so I used plain greek yogurt. It WAS creamy, but it was super bland. Usually the soup is on the salty side but in this case it was not enough salt.

I was trying to keep it cheap and simple, there are a lot of ways to make a tuna casserole a lot better than what I listed, but that starts adding more cost.

I do personally spend more on food that I have to because I want some quality in the food I make for myself. But I’m also fortunate that rent + bills is only about half my monthly take home.

yeah, for like grocery stores, even if the food is tossed, it’s a legal issue if we give it to the homeless. Because i tried giving homeless the food before and my boss stopped me and gave me a lecture on how not every homeless person is actually homeless, yada yada.

HOWEVER, in fast food (when I worked there), we put a lock on the trash, so the homeless won’t be able to even get in there anyway, and we do have a rule that once the food is like, overcooked, messed up, someone forgot their order, disposed of, etc, it’s free real estate and up for grabs lel. (Well, at Wendys)

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Are you on Snap/Food Stamps? People always forget these resources exist.

If you add shredded cheddar cheese to it, then bake it with the covered Ritz crackers… and then add the stuff I like… Oooo yes… in fact it has me drooling, I’m going to make it tonight.

Also note servings freeze very well after cooling, and reheat very well too… (note I don’t use a microwave, I reheat covered in tinfoil in oven).

If you work a good job you wouldn’t need Snap/Food Stamps