EDIT: FIXED (kinda) Personal note - Ran out of food money today

Also just wanted to give a quick update - I’ve taken everyone’s advice and I’ve gotten enough with what money and snap I’ve got left to feed myself til my next paycheck comes in.
I’m fed, my head is clear, and I’m comin out of survival mode.


There are jobs that don’t require that… customer phone service, intake desk jobs, library, restaurant host.

Yes there is . Because we are talking about parts being used for testing even if they are production level . If one of those parts fail , the company can be liable. Dosen’t make it easier when I throw away a rotor I know I will be spending 120 dollars buying it later .

Op,I find spuddies are my buddies ,you can create some good recipes from them that last a good while and very tasty.

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Spuds, rice, chicken, onions - and tomatoes. I survived for a couple months off of a hash-thing I made.


Yep ,their good :yum: going to create some tonight for dinner with some hotdogs that where on sale .

Then you will fail at life… you have no right to designate who or how someone is paid, or how they worked to move up the ladder, and this sounds more like a woe is me I’m a victim, jealousy post… THEY DO NOT HAVE TO LOOK THE OTHER WAY… it’s what the company pays them to do, protect company assets. if they let you, then they have to look the other way for everyone. before you know it, company losses and NO ONE HAS A JOB!! are you really that nieve and selfish?.. I was even to the point where I was going to ask you to email me for help… but I see now. I’m out… your ridiculous.

I have to say companies do practice protection even when they believe the employee is at fault from an accident ,i came into this problem which i should’ve handle it through a lawyer before trusting in the business. I found out later they didn’t even want me to go see the company doctor to get pain meds worrying about Ohsa would site them,well maybe they should have.

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Theft is theft.

Ask all the people who’ve been pinned to the wall by their company over taking home stationery.

It sounds like you’re working in retail. Maybe find another job?

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This is a worker’s market. Hence the Great Resignation. Probably one of the best times in history to go job bouncing.

Or, you know, get fired out of the job cannon.


At the end of a shift normally they would throw what’s leftover away any way,so most don’t complain about their employee taking some home.

Maybe you should get a better paying job that way you wouldnt have to worry about food

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Said companies also think taking food they’re going to throw away in a garbage bin home, or eating it, is theft.

So much food waste from said companies.


Ramen with egg
I cook ramen halfway, stir in an egg, finish cooking


It’s theirs to do with as they please you aren’t entitled to anything

Once it’s in the trash bin it ain’t, lmao. Throwing something away is the definition of them ‘getting rid of it’ so it’s no longer theirs.

Wonder which one you are alt hopping again.


this sounds absolutely disgusting. :nauseated_face:

Well if you want it THAT bad go dig it out the trash otherwise before then it is their food to do with as they please you aren’t entitled to get free stuff just cause its going to waste. If you want it so bad you can BUY it and if they are nice enough they will give u a discounted price.

Apply for Snap/Foodstamps, it’s what I have.


Plenty restaurants have that policy to discourage employees from creating situations where they have food to take home.

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