EDIT: FIXED (kinda) Personal note - Ran out of food money today

Actually I think that’s the first time I specifically mentioned a mega company.

Regardless - we don’t care about how much money the company makes. Even if you’re a manager. You care about how much money YOU make. Morality is a non issue when you get in trouble for letting someone steal. I’m sorry.

Whose said you let them steal? Whose even stealing?

You tell your employee to round up the perishable food products that your store can not /will not sell and take it to the dumpster. They do. You did your job and they did their job. Why do you care what happens to that bag of edible food after?

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It’s not me who cares. I promise you that. All of that is irrelevant if you get in trouble for it by your boss.

Sure which is why I said somewhere above that OP should absolutely use common sense and judge their own situation accordingly. If you got some psychotic manager actively and constantly monitoring the dumpster and a trigger finger to fire someone taking literal garbage that is no longer of any use to the company, then don’t do it.


Well, it may become your manager’s problem when their manager sees it. Do you see what I’m talking about lmao. Like nothing else matters if your boss, or you get in trouble.

How can you not correlate the two?.. you realize if your company takes a huge financial hit from any kind of losses? you very well may not have a job to go to?.. be real will you?

It’s just completely irrelevant in this situation, you care about your wellbeing. not the companies. which i think is what u said which is what i said originally of course they correlate.

Just to clear up - I’m saying you shouldn’t, not because of the big bad companies, but because your company has increased shrink or whatever and it starts to affect you, and you have a chance of getting in trouble and losing your source of income.

In what world is a district manager going around in the middle of the night watching a store’s dumpster? Do you think the Waltons are going around to all their walmarts checking dumpsters? Come on.

OP, taking at face value, is literally hungry right now and has no money. I’m not suggesting this to be a lifestyle. It’s to solve a need here and now.

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Because we are a richer by lawsuit society… EVEN with food that has been taken from a dumpster, a business due to health code violations can still be held culpable. I have seen people pretend to slip on something on the floor of a business, and lock that business into an insurance lawsuit. I was even a witness in one… the person didn’t even step on a grape but pretended to slip. guess what? they won in court and were paid. stores now have camera’s trying to stop fraudulent insurance claims. but even then?

What is your companies policy about people stealing? This is the first thing to find out about when talking about people stealing in the store. Policy wise what is your responsibility?

Talking about myself as a manager I was able to damage out goods. This was not something I did everyday or every month so there was no shrink in that way. I will say this was years ago and with how people are watched now it may not be possible so the risks are much higher.

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Have you tried looking for a job?


I’m just saying things like this happen, not the DM doing something like that, but someone mentioning it, etc. Like these are things that occur. There’s a million reasons why you should not do this.

Absolutely. Again, I said OP should use common sense and judge their situation accordingly. If your place of employment is throwing away food and, for whatever reason, hired someone or assigned them the task of watching the dumpster to make sure nobody takes it after the fact and is just itching to fire a dedicated and hard worker in a time where people are quitting jobs left and right, then sure.

I doubt the OP is looking to make a lifestyle change to being a professional dumpster diver…this is all about how to get food to not be hungry until a next paycheck.

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Costs less to make your own food.


Shrink does include damaged goods - generally. If you look into the actual breakdown of shrink. Most people just see the %.

It’s almost like you could have read this stuff in the rental agreement before you signed on the dotted line.


$5? White rice :+1:

Actually, most companies now have locking dumpsters or many Restaurants have dumpsters in locked cages or compactors… I know from my neighbor Walmart put EVERYTHING in a compactor now, it’s all crushed.


Almost all of the places I worked at used a compactor. It’s safer for the companies. I don’t blame them.