EDIT: FIXED (kinda) Personal note - Ran out of food money today

just let ppl steal haha

Man people are so busy they just didn’t see it. Such a shame. I’m sure Walmart will really miss the actual pennies they “lost” (that they totally budget and account for knowing full well loss is going to happen).

Not that anyone is suggesting anything.

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I’m not arguing morality for the millionth time. I’m saying it’s a chance you don’t need to take. This is your income here.

I wonder if this works. I work for a financial company, I wonder if I could just write myself a few checks.

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that’ll show your big bad company who’s boss.

Totally the same thing and the sad thing is if you were high enough, you probably could. Or you know setup a “consulting company” and then hire your consulting company to consult your company like the pros do it.

  1. DMs can suck it
  2. I’ve been out of the retail game for years, don’t worry lol

You’re good! I understand the sentiment, to be sure.

That’s your choice if you want to make it. Some people are willing to, if it means helping someone who needs it.


Even as someone who works for a company I don’t care if they “lose” money. I care if i do.

Well you think pennies, But I actually had a neighbor who was a Walmart Manager, just the 2 stores within their small town, during their inventory was found they had a loss of 5 million with the two stores combined, and another store a few towns over had a loss of 1.7 million… now times that per every Walmart…?

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Fast food is expensive, friend. Just buy some potatoes, rice, lentils, chicken, and seasonings.


Im also not going to take the risk of hoping that someone is going to do that for me. Getting put into the system is a sure fire way to put yourself into a worse spot than you were before.

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That is you and this is me. For you it was not worth the risk but for me as someone who once need help like that it was. Now I am in a place where I can just buy what a person needs. I have worked very hard to get to this point but I have not forgotten where I was.

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There’s just no way it was a good idea to tell someone to “let a poor person steal” for a million reasons, that I’m sure you can figure out if you thought about it for a while. Especially if you’re a manager at the store, and are directly affected by shrink.

Yeah, and they write those losses off in their taxes and get the money back. Corporate Tax law is weird

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well, i heard you can fill your required in-take of calories by getting those dollar-burgers over at mcdonalds… not sure if that’s still the case, but it’s an option… BUT! if you really wanna stretch out that fiver, buy some of those 35-cent ramen-noodle packets. they’re cheap and filling, if a little… same-y, after a while. but hey, they’ll fill you up atleast.

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Those poor Waltons. How will they afford their umpteenth mega mansion and/or yacht? Almost makes me want to go volunteer at their store being their eyes and ears making sure none of those cans of definitely not overpriced soups get lifted…but my poor eyes can only face 1 direction at once! Hope I don’t look the wrong way at the wrong time.


Yes, some can be recouped through taxes, but not all… not sure where people get this idea that a company’s losses are returned in full… Walmart’s saving grace is profits above loss… in small business’s it just doesn’t work that way…

That isnt how write offs work. You dont get the money back.

Please stop talking about the mega company when we’re talking specifically about our own livings on the line here. You keep mentioning the big companies when literally nobody else is.

Oh, dang, we’ve already devolved into “just steal”. :face_with_spiral_eyes:

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