Edgemasters handguards dropped

im curious what his race is

if human totally bad move

If it’s so useless, why does it sell for 700g…you have no clue what your talking about here because you’re blinded by greed.

Quelly is one of the best tanking weapons out there, it’s a status symbol to have achieved getting it and good guilds rightly bend over backwards to ensure their tanks have it when they start raiding.


As a warrior who had the book drop last night for me there’s no way in hell i would have sold that book. I can farm gold whenever i want. Quel’serrar is priceless


I would. I haven’t bought my epic mount yet, as I chose to first pay for my gear, enchants and consumables.

In the first week of DM release I found 2 Foror books while doing DM east jump runs with a guild healer / tank and we always let the tank have it ( 2 different tanks). Seems like the normal thing to do in a good guild tbh.


I wasn’t just talking about the book but my bad for not addressing it specifically. In the case of needing on BOE’s you’ve been crystal clear about how you’re a ninja. Loot etiquette throughout the history of the game has been if you need on a BOE you equip it. End of story.

Yes I’m just sure there are warriors everywhere who farm up that book and complete the quest and then just not wear it on the infinitesimally small chance it might drop in their run.

That being said, you’ve already stated that by all rights that book is for everyone who wants to sell it. So why hide the sword? Wearing it or not why wouldn’t he need on it just like you?

The ninjas in this forum constantly make up outlandish scenarios to try and justify inexcusable behavior.

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Who are all these people that have to ninja everything in sight to afford their epic mount?

Is this a retail thing? Do these players not know how to farm and hawk their wares and pinch coppers? I rarely use the word entitled but yeah, there it is.

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One of. There are others that are just as good and won’t require you to give up an epic mount in order to get them. Like I said, any warrior who goes for this before getting his mount has rocks in his head.

How can it be priceless when you can literally buy it on the AH? lol.

The best way to farm is to have an epic mount. Sell the book, buy your epic mount, farm, then buy another book with the money you got from your faster farming.

I got my epic mount a few weeks after hitting 60 and I didn’t steal anything from anyone.

Seriously if you don’t know how earn things in Classic go back to retail where gold falls from the sky. Where you don’t ever have to talk to anyone or play with others and community means nothing.

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Because if he equipped it then he wouldn’t be able fool people like you to pass on it and increase his chance of winning the roll.

Not all of us are Mages.

It’s also about not letting the Warrior cheat his way to an epic mount.

You’re just really gullible if you think the warrior is using that book to get Quel’sarrar. It’s mind-numbingly stupid to use it for that this early in the expansion when gold is at a premium. The price of the book will plummet after DM’s been out a while and the warrior who bought his epic mount with it like a smart person can just go and buy it for 100g then.

If you pass on this for a warrior in your group you’re just a stooge. It’s hilarious.

I don’t worry about anyone in my pug runs. If I join a pug I ask about the loot rules and if I form a pug I make sure everyone agrees. Never had a problem with ninjas when a BOE drops. Never.

In what alternate universe are warriors not running with a sword they farmed very hard for on the very small chance a book will drop? I suppose it could happen. There could also be a million dollars buried in your back yard. But I’m pretty sure you’re not outside everyday digging new holes.

You need to focus on your own behavior and your own motivations. Because trust me, you’re not looking out for anyone other than yourself. You’re a bad person.

Retail players are the most entitled whiners. I made my gold farming herbs and selling pots and vendoring greens, btw. Not AOE farming. I’m not nor have I ever been specc’d for AOE farming. But I’m sure it’s someone else’s fault you can’t go out and earn your gold.

Grow up.

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Only in the mind of a self-centered retail player. If you steal loot from a warrior you’re a ninja.


These are the stories I wish all of the complainers would see and understand that you NEED a good guild in classic. Like life and death NEED… in order to enjoy this game to its maximum potential.

If you are pugging BRD+ … you are going to hate life and end up quitting


tell the story again if this happens in a pug grp.
id leave the guild if they wouldnt let the tank get the item in this case.
but i also had some pug grps doing this with pre raid bis epics so its possible. (pve realm)

It gives 0% to-hit. Period. If you don’t understand this, you know nothing.

Edgemaster’s Handguards are used to remove or mitigate weapon penalties due to separation between the level of a weapon and mob defense.

If you’re at weapon cap and there is no separation in level between your weapon skill and a mob’s defense (i.e. its your level or lower), they do absolutely nothing other than cripple your stats. At 60, You should not be wearing these in any current group-level dungeon.

About the only place they are key at 60 is if you’re fighting a 63 raid boss, of which there are like what… 11 of those in the entire game atm?

yep. been helping our tanks farm it too. And in turn my guildies helped me farm my HoJ. took over 80 runs XD. Finally got it though. Good guilds that like to progress will do what it takes to gear up their guild mates. Im about to run BRD again for HoJ for my Rogue buddies now too. The cycle continues.