Edgemasters handguards dropped

A group of my guildies were doing BRD farming last night, and edgemasters hand gaurds dropped.

Everyone in the group immediately congratulated the warrior in group and all passed on the roll, they were actually celebrating the effect its going to have on one of our warriors having them :smile:

No dramas, no one created a stink over thier potential worth being someones epic mount, no one whined about how thier alt could use them best or how another guildie could use them.

These are the moments i run dungeons for, these are the reasons i enjoy leading a guild. When you get great people running dungeons together who respect eachother and then something truly game changing drops that makes the guild group form an even tighter bond.

Congratulations Gazaus of Returned Home on Remulos, use them well and wear them with pride.


You should have told everyone to roll greed then rolled need.


Same thing happened with me and Warden Staff. I put out a 100g reward for any guild member it dropped for. Someone did end up getting it (also in a BRD run), and instead of quietly selling it for WAY more than 100g, when I logged on later that day everyone in g chat started congratulating me. I was like “What?” And they were like “we got your Warden Staff!” Love my guild!


thats wholesome


This sounds like a good reason to actually build a longterm guild with longterm relationships and familiar players who help each other out on a frequent basis.

It’s nice that you guys share companionship and I hope your warrior continues to carry you all to victory, lol


Cool story.

I got my Foror’s in the mail after it dropped in a completely different guild group. I still have yet to see it drop in my groups and I’ve done DM quite a bit.

It all really just depends on the people you decide to play with.

As per Edgemasters… I hope he knows not to use that thing in group. It helps against overcons, particularly on raid. Its not worth the stat loss on <= 60 group mobs. In fact, it should do very little if nothing at all on <= 60 mobs.

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The only problem is warriors have about 8 BoE epics that are great for them, when most other classes have 1-2. That’s why we all roll need; it’s much more fair.


Wow, a guild group doing something to help their guild member, such a shocker, why cant pugs do this? I cant quite put my finger on it.
It truly is a shocker when something like that happens >.>


When you look at some of the garbage spewed forth by some on these very forums, factoring in the group had some guildies who have only been in guild for a month, yes it is surprising.

Thing like this …


Hope you made sure he actually equipped that.


Trash guilds are trash. IDK what else to say. Any guild that really wants their group to succeed, will help their guild members out and hand them BOE epics, forgoing the hundreds of gold they would have made on those pieces, knowing that the whole is greater than the selfish clown that is replaceable.

  1. Guild

  2. Even if someone had an issue with it, he would just quietly let it go. He wouldn’t want to 1v4 against his own guildies and put a target on his own back.


Did you have any substantive counterpoint or?


I think he’s just bitter that he’s not entitled to the 900g Quel’Serrar book that drops.

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I would always defer a boe to a guildie. Pug? Needing ASAP.


I would have rolled need.


You mean a counter point to harboring bitterness over Blizzards poor itemization and then using that as an excuse to need roll a BoE that’s BiS for a group member just so you can sell it for huge amounts of gold ?

Nah…that says plenty.


Boots of Avoidance dropped and our group all passed for the pug tank. Sometimes the community does right by others.


Yeah pugs can be nice too. I’ve seen people intentionally need a boe in order to beat the roll from someone who was needing it in order to sell, so they could give the item to the player who could use it.


Why is that group member entitled to a BOE drop just because he can wear it? A BOE is of equal value to everyone.

Edit: nvm, guild