Edgemasters handguards dropped

The one judging people in real life over a computer game is the one who needs to grow up. Sad.

I’m judging you by your own words.

Well duh, it’s a guild run.

I would need if it were a pug and pass if it was a guild run.
Guild members are an extension of yourself in classic. If they succeed, you succeed in the future on some level. Whether it’s downing a raid boss or getting some sort of help in return.


There’s a reason “hunter weapon” was a meme in Vanilla…

Edge masters on my server goes for 2.5k gold. So, not hundreds but thousands.

I am glad ops group decided to give him those. Congrats.

OP post was October last year…

Now they are worth 20x times that I bet the group wouldn’t be so charitable


Oh boy, friendship or 2k gold? Thats a hard decision tbh.

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Now they are like 10k gold lmao.

Thank you for necroing this. You made me see this gem right here:

What a bunch of nonsense lmao.

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What race was he? Please tell me human so i can get a good laugh.

Technically he is kind of right. The + weapon skill really only gives good benefit when fighting enemies higher level than you. This allows you to lower the amount of +hit you need to wear and also helps reduce the amount of damage lost from glancing blows. When doing 5 man dungeon content at level 60, you are honestly going to get more benefit from putting on gloves with some stats on them since glancing blows will not happen and your 300 base weapon skill is enough.

When doing 5 man dungeon content at level 60, you don’t need gear. It’s trivial content as is. It’s ridiculous to minmax for dungeons. I haven’t seen a single BiS list for dungeons alone. When people say BiS, they assume BiS for raid.

It is only BiS for non human/non orc warriors. And only when fighting mobs higher level than you.

Ok send me your clip of you running Strath with 0 gear. Better yet, have your whole group run it naked.

( I guess at level 120 it shouldn’t be a problem for you)

Absolutely true. No one is arguing against that.

I can do it in BoE greens. Do you want to see that?

If you are to believe the forums, then nothing works.

Fortunately, good things happen all the time and most people don’t even know the forums exist.

No I was taking you literally. Sure anyone can do it in all greens, but why? Why make the dungeon take any longer than it has to? Why run a set of gloves that give you absolutely 0 benefit while in the dungeon? When main tanking a raid boss, sure use them. Otherwise, you are better off running pretty much ANYTHING else.

Why would you run dungeons? What benefit is there in it?

Dungeons are ran for at a month at most, except for a few exceptions.
Raids are done for years.

Because raids are only 1 maybe 2 days a week? I like to run dungeons for gold and to help friends/guildies get the gear they want. I didn’t realize you were going to take the elitist “too good to run dungeons” stance especially while posting on a retail toon. Yes sometimes I run dungeons even though I don’t need anything from said dungeon. And when I do run these dungeons, I want the run to go as quickly and smoothly as possible.

Lucky him, they have been on Ah on my realm for 5k.