Edgemasters handguards dropped

Did he equip them?

It’s not stealing from strangers, it’s not owing the stranger any favors and trusting the stranger to not take advantage of the rest of the group. I’ll be damned if I passed on the Quel’Serrar book to a random Warrior who I may never see ever again, who can very easily sell the book.

Is it any wonder why most experienced tanks don’t pug when theres these sort of attitudes present ?

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If a Warrior feels entitled to a 700G BOE, he should run with his guildies instead of a PuG.

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And this is exactly why pugs are crying about tank shortages.

Next time you’re in a group and can’t find a tank, think back to the selfish comments you’ve made here.


If it’s warrior gear then yes, you’re stealing his gear.

Everyone knows if you need on a BOE you equip it right there.

Retail players really need to just go away.

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You can’t equip foror’s compendium of dragonslaying…

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Very true about this specific item. And if that warrior already has his sword and no one else needs the book, then everyone feel free to need. No warrior in his right mind is going to sell that book.


Its the only sure fire way of increasing your white damage to a mob 61+ (lots of 5 mans have mobs that are 61 and higher)

ΔDefense/Skill Glancing penalty Miss chance Hit cap
15 35% (~35.12) 8.0% 9.0%
14 31% 7.8% 8.8%
13 27% (~26.74%) 7.6% 8.6%
12 23% (~22.72%) 7.4% 8.4%
11 19% 7.2% 8.2%
10 15% (~14.82%) 6.0% 6.0%
9 11% 5.9% 5.9%
8 7% 5.8% 5.8%
7 5% (~5.12%) 5.7% 5.7%
6 5% 5.6% 5.6%
5 5% (~4.96%) 5.5% 5.5%
4 5% 5.4% 5.4%
3 5% 5.3% 5.3%
2 5% 5.2% 5.2%
1 5% 5.1% 5.1%
0 5% 5.0% 5.0%
ΔLevel Chance to occur Base damage penalty
0 10% 5%
1 20% 5%
2 30% 15%
3 40% 35%

So… what’s your point?


Edgemasters Orc/Human

Thats a 30% increase to white damage against a boss and a 10% increase to a lvl 62 mob, not including the reduced hit penalty, that seems like a bis piece to me.

We were clearly talking about Foror’s book. Did you not know how it worked until he corrected you ?

Not every Warrior wants a Quel’Serrar right away and would rather get 700G. Some may not care about getting a Quel’Serrar ever, if they’re more into PvP than raid tanking for example. Or maybe the Warrior already has Quel’Serrar but uses a different weapon for the DM run just to fool you. I know better than to trust PuGers.

Still doesn’t make it best in slot, particularly if you’re fighting anything but a 63 boss. And if fighting anything even con or lower, its literally the worst in slot.

Its a great utility item for very select fights. It good to have, but crying BIS to win it, is simply #lol. Most people overrating it simply don’t fully understand its severe limitations. Its simply not as powerful or as useful as people want to make it out to be. And no one knows this better than those trying to con others into giving it to them.

Then why was the first on my server on the ah for 1200g? Why did it sell?

Why is devilsaur only 100g and edgemasters STILL 600g?

Its useful to ANY mob 61+, and increases white damage, which in turn increases rage gen.

40% of all your white damage (hoj/windfury totem/sword spec extra attacks) will be glanced. Having 40% of your attacks hit 10-30% harder is a huge increase.

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:man_shrugging: while I’m sure it’s rare for some people with many players in classic today, that kind of thing would happen when I ran pugs in Vanilla.

Yup, in vanilla, i was very fortunate in many respects. I was “found” by a guild in my early days as a 60 and landed straight into a group of some of the best people i have met in my life, many of whom I still communicate with to this day both inside and outside of WoW. The guild was just the right size, being able to raid frequently, with a secondary raid group for peoples alts and those with different schedules to be able to raid too.

The point to this insight to my history ?..as a warrior who WANTED to tank, I in return was highly wanted by groups, add in the guild i tripped over and fell into, I had very few pugs, let alone bad pugs. That said, the few pugs I did do were usually literal charity runs for those who were struggling to find tanks ( a phenomenon that seems more frequent in Classic ), most of which were great, and the bad ones admittedly weren’t that bad.

Except for one…I joined a pug that had 3 members from the same guild, a random and me. We were doing DM, foror’s drops…I already had it and had done the QS quests, i was using the quelly to tank. Funny thing was, i specifically joined this pug to help train the warrior ( who was the random ) after he’d inspected me while in IF then begged me to show him some pointers. When the foror’s dropped, I just instinctively passed immediately, only to watch the argument from hell erupt when one of the 3 guilded players instantly rolled need on it…as a mage.

I won’t name anyone, but suffice to say it scarred me for life regarding pugs. No the random warrior didn’t get the book, the mage still won it after everyone else tried to counter need roll but still lost. Mage ported immediately to IF, and listed the book at 600g, then logged. It cost him his place in guild, and the guild that hosted him made reparations to the random warrior to save their realm reputation.

I’m not 100% sure, but I believe the book being sold on the AH by the mage was the one their guild bought immediately and forwarded it to the warrior ( they made sure i witnessed it to ensure their reputation was untarnished ).

Now my point to this unexpected long waffle, if this went down today in Classic, I have serious doubt there would have been any argument among the guilded peoples and the random warrior in group would have been LOL’d at for saying anything as the group disbanded to AH the book.

Moral of the story ?.. experienced tanks don’t pug, there’s various reasons why, many of which can been seen with greater frequency in the players in classic and on these forums. It’s a different Era, yes I was surprised and pleased when my fellow guildies ALL conducted themselves respectfully and correctly when edgemasters dropped. I am proud of them in ways i can’t describe.

Hopefully people understand now why some tanks refuse to pug. EVER. Classic is classic, but it ain’t vanilla.


They do though lol. Not direct hit but it amounts to the same thing. The math has been done. It gives more than 3% hit in terms of value. Hence why you only need 6% hit once you have edgmasters. Especially as a human with swords. Each 5 Weapon Skill after only gives 1% after 305. It makes me essentially a level higher and closer to boss level and within the gap of boss defense which is 315. I hit more often and do more damage on glancing blows. You are something special. Do some research before you plan on talking about something.

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No point in arguing with a noob that doesn’t raid. Stuff like this is what separates the good from the bad.

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it is BiS for the very reason you stated. FIrst off, nobody cares about BiS unless you plan to raid, thats the whole point of BiS. Its not for dungeons or questing XD. BiS is for raiding to begin with. If all you plan to do is do dungeons then you dont even need Pre-BiS to effectively complete them. ANYONE targeting BiS is doing so for the SOLE purpose of RAIDING. Which mean BOSSES lvl 63. WHich means Edgemaster’s BiS. DERP DERP

Why not? The weapon is pretty useless and 700g can buy his epic mount. No warrior in his right mind would actually use the book over getting an epic mount. If you’ve already got your epic mount, then sure, but by then gold doesn’t really matter anyway.