Edgemasters handguards dropped

Bro we get it how many times you ganna repeat yourself lol


If you were a warrior though, they would have all been ninjas for needing on “warrior loot”.

Probably, yeah. I find Warriors tend to be the greediest for loot.


A lot of people just roll warriors and rogues so they can feel justified needing on all the BOE warrior/rogue gear. Every single thread about it is posted by a warrior or rogue.

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The amount of Rogue/Warrior whining about Hunters rolling on HoJ leads me to believe Blizzard rushed out DM to get them to shut up.

Those same people will roll on Hunter weapons all day long and not care.


Happily this is an alliance only problem since horde get a superior hunter trinket from a level 46 quest.

Clearly you dont raid. They are BiS for fury warriors.

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More evidence you are clueless. 9% hit does not zero out miss rate on boss lmfao. It only means my special “yellow” hits wont miss. My white hits still do. I need something around 28% hit to zero out misses all together which is impossible to reach.

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There are BiS for raids, dungeons and pvp.

It is very rare for an item to be BiS for all 3.

No bitterness harbored. No excuses used. Rational analysis with the aim of increasing fairness and reducing deception.

Keep in mind, I would do the same as your guildmates when in a guild group. If a guildmember needs a BoE, they get it. I was speaking more generally about non-guild groups (my fault for not making that clear).

Well done. You denied the ninja with your own ninja move. You’re the ninja in the white uniform that kills the bad ninjas.

As a resto sham I only have 1 usable epic boe, which I’ve already bought for myself. I might not be able to equip the majority of epic boe’s but I also don’t have to worry about acquiring them. I’m fortunate to have the best gear in the game currently by mostly defeating bosses instead of having to farm and spend gold.

If I group with you, I expect you to put the team first as will I. If the group is successful, I’ll add you as a friend and you’ll be one of the first that I ask the next time I run a dungeon.

I value my guild mates, sure, but I also value my realm’s community. We’re all in this together, the game is more fulfilling when you work together as a team. And by that I don’t mean 5 rambos grouped together who only care about their own interests.

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I let everyone roll on it, so it was NOT a ninja

I love you white ninja, your my favourite anti hero.

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No it isn’t. It just means other classes have a lesser chance of being deprived a BOE by some ninja. Like you.

No it isn’t.

Yeah, as another ninja apologist said, you don’t steal from guildies. Just strangers, right?

Unless you’re level 57 that is

Your argument is that the BoE imbalance actually favors classes that have less BoEs because it reduces their chance of being “ninja’d” (read: outrolled in a PUG greed roll-off)?


It’s not. It’s of more value to the player for whom it is bis.

Cool… because Edgemaster’s have 0% to-hit.