Edgemasters handguards dropped

It was a guild group, so they were being nice to their guildie.

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I did this and the guy called ME the ninja lol

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thast because it was a guild run…duh.

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On the other hand, I was running UD Strat about 2-3 weeks after launch and DHC dropped. We all needed and I lost. I was bummed since I had a green bow at the time, but nobody else cared.

Probably 'cause I’m a Hunter.

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Some players recognise that a bis piece can have more impact than gold.


Edgemaster’s aren’t a BEST IN SLOT piece for anyone ever.

They’re a situational tool used to help mitigate the weapon penalties(added miss rate, higher glancing blow penalty, etc) incurred from a separation in level(an upcon) to a mob. At max level, that almost exclusively means its a raid-level utility tool.

If you use these on even level or lower mobs, you’re a complete idiot, because these penalties don’t exist, and swapping for the weapon skill will do nothing beyond crippling your stats. Swap in a much better in slot (:P) item.

One of the things that annoy me in this game are people that cry BiS, when really they mean they just want the item.

…is Edgemaster’s not the BiS piece for raid bosses?

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Dude is out of his mind, Edgemaster’s is BiS up until phase 6 basically for any warrior raiding. Yeah you don’t need them running BRD but they’re indispensable for raiding.

I found a pair on my warrior while I was killing turtles in Hinterlands. All to myself, no competition. Most rewarding drop in the last decade of playing WoW for me.


There was never a qualification made that they were BiS for raid bosses. The statement and implication was that it was Best In Slot. Period. That is done to try to convince others someone should be funneled gear.

As stated, its a utility item you swap in when needed.

Wow, you’re pretty pedantic. So it being BiS for raid bosses almost forever is irrelevant.


Correct. When you say something is Best In Slot, you’re implying you’re going to wear the thing in that slot forever(QS is a good example and will be BiS until TF). But after all, if Edgemaster’s is Best In Slot, why would you wear anything else?

Isn’t it The Best for that Slot?

And the answer is no… its a utility item for raid bosses and one that isn’t exactly needed in a lot of cases(i.e. tanking)… but nice to have if you really want to try to push the threat meter.

And honestly, give a Prot Tank a QS, a shaman for WF/STR, a druid for pack, have them get some to-hit, use consumables like Mongoose, and they’ll light up the threat meter like the Fourth of July. The Edgemasters is just candy. Good to have(got mine on sale for 299g) but not going to make or break a fight.

Wow you really are pedantic. Rhok’delar is BiS - but it’s only BiS for now. Does that mean it’s not actually BiS, despite the fact it won’t be replaced until BWL?

I think you need to chill dude.

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I obviously didn’t mean bis while leveling.


Edgemaster’s is replaced the moment you step in any group dungeon. It literally turns into the Worst In Slot.

Yet you want to call this ‘BiS’.

The term is a loaded one by folks that just want to be funneled the item even though its relevant during like 5% of their play-time when they swap it in for raids and/or raid bosses.

5 mans are irrelevant. It’s BiS for raiding which is the only real consideration.


Even if we go there… not really. Most DW fury warriors I know have no problem collecting the 9% to-hit to zero-out the miss rate on a 63 boss. That just leaves glancing damage penalty. Most have, but its certainly not a given that it is always used on raids.

2H Fury get nothing from it obviously given the weapon types. OEB is great for that.

As stated, its very situational for Prot Tanks and if you aren’t on a threat race mob where maximizing is essential, you have zero need for it and can swap to a much better stat item.

It really is very situational and should never be a permanent fixture for raids, unless you have no concept of how to manage your gear.

Did This man just say QS was his bis to Thunderfury for tanking.


Hit softcap is for yellow attacks, but more white attacks landing is a good thing for rage and higher DPS given the value white hits have in total DPS.

There’s currently a, “bug” that is authentic that removes the offhand miss penalty while Heroic Strike is queued, but it’s more important to use BT/WW on cooldown than it is to queue and unqueue HS.

No matter how you want to slice the bread, Edgemaster’s is a tool for specific situations, and not used outside those situations. Crying BIS so you can try to snipe it and don’t have to pay the 300-500g, is simply a way of trying to game other players for personal benefit.

If it works, more power to you.

If a group agrees to fork it over, more power to them.

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And those, “specific situations” is virtually every raid boss, which is where it actually matters.

I’m also not the one saying the Warrior should get priority if it drops. They can farm the gold for it like everyone else.